In the first video below, I discuss the links just beneath this paragraph. The first links are to do with Richard D Hall’s case and David Hughes’ work on COVID etc. I also discuss David Icke’s ex wife Pamela Richards – and her accounts relating…

In the first video below, I discuss the links just beneath this paragraph. The first links are to do with Richard D Hall’s case and David Hughes’ work on COVID etc. I also discuss David Icke’s ex wife Pamela Richards – and her accounts relating…
In the first video, I discuss the links below – as mentioned in the heading! Summary is that Dr David Hughes sent me a link to an interview he gave about his new book the COVID scam and he mentioned his current situation will become…
In this video update, I discuss “Psychic force,” 911 Predictive Programming, Dr David Hughes’ free book, a new 9/11 (Pentagon) witness/whistleblower speaking out, Article on the RDH Courtcase in the Light Newspaper, Randal Carlson and Free Energy stuff, The UK Royals and a few other…
In the video at the bottom, I discuss the links below. Richard D Hall’s request to show evidence that Martin Hibbert is lying has been denied – as has a request to release the relevant CCTV footage. I also talk about the JFK X film…
The first video, below, discusses the rest. Since making the first video, I have watched the “Alternative History of Agriculture” one.This brings together so much and explains why societies have turned out the way they have. However, the later part about blood chemistry and co2…
Here I talk with Pete Stone about being sovereign, common law, natural law, admiralty law and more. See: www.thesovereignproj… (NOT – www.sovereignproject… which is not connected to the website above). There is 10 mins of “black” at the end because I slightly messed up the…
In the video below, I briefly discuss my experience with the new “ChatGPT” AI website – it’s a highly sophisticated general language processing model which can answer questions and offer advice. It’s really quite incredible The other 2 videos, linked below, describe its more general…
Here is a very interesting chat I had a couple of weeks ago with Leon Southgate! Many thanks to Leon for sharing his vast knowledge and experience!… (Mostly in the same order as the video) Amish Inquisition Podcast with Leon (14 Nov…
This video interview was recorded in August 2022 with Paul Northridge and Jonny Sinclair. I like the title they gave to it and the inserts they added! Thanks to them both for their long-standing support of the research etc that I’ve been involved in. I…
These 3 videos have “come to my screen” over the last few days – thanks to those that sent them! They are all interesting and significant for different reasons – and all relate the options we have to consider in the future. Summary of…