Here is a very interesting chat I had a couple of weeks ago with Leon Southgate! Many thanks to Leon for sharing his vast knowledge and experience!
(Mostly in the same order as the video)
Amish Inquisition Podcast with Leon (14 Nov 2022) :
Peter Jones links abiogenesis experiments in research – Peter jones on Brownian motion –
(his book Artificers of Fraud).
On bions from iron filings –
Peter’s websites are offline but his Youtube channel still going –…
(1st year of PhD on Bions on Leon’s blog) See my Annotated Biblio book and use the cross reference or go to the keyword section on Bions – the download free from here –…
Acupuncture dor buster – Kevin – and Australian experiments. My Reich and Chinese medicine is available as a book from LAP publishers but is expensive, a good synopsis on my old website from the wayback machine. I’ll talk to Kevin about getting his info on using the boxes in Australia back up.…
Wilhelm Reich and Chinese medicine Book based on my MSc…
Orgonomic Functionalism Journal in Nottingham – after and around time of Reich’s death. Orgonomic Functionalism journal, Nottingham , Paul and Jean Ritter, the only orgone journal after Reich’s death and the first post-Reich orgone journal by a few years (attached a couple of pictures of journal – these are not available anywhere as far as I know, apart from in person at a library in Australia), The Creative Process journal followed on in USA by Charles Kelley and ran from 1961 for about 5 or more years then Journal of Orgonomy set up by the Reich psychiatrists who Reich had personally trained (still going), The Annals of the Institute of Orgonomic Science (still going), Pulse of the Planet (James Demeo’s orgone biophysical journal, 5 issues, very good especially No.5 which is a book really), Offshoots of Orgonomy (a journal magazine, very good now defunct), Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy (JPOT) at
(current, free to access, cutting edge all topics of orgonomy). There is also Greek orgonomy Institute
Reich Museum: wilhelmreichmuseum.o…
Moray’s radioactive radio and free energy device (virgin electrons)
See The Sea of Energy book by T. Henry Moray (edited by John Moray).
Viruses and Bions article on Leon’s blog – the word i forgot from terrain theory is ‘exosomes’ – basically a bion is an abiological exosome which can evolve upwards. leonsouthgate.blogsp…
My links : my blog is the main place at moment for my work leonsouthgate.blogsp…
Man’s Right to Know – video about Reich
James De Meo’s Book
Ark of the Covenant and Orgone Articles:
Sacred Shamir:
Exosomes and Bions
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