From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2012-01-09 23:09:35
Someone alerted me to this talk which is from a Presentation by Ian Crane given at Conway Hall on 24th Sept 2011… “Building 7 was indeed a perfect – perfectly executed controlled demolition – the building came down in it’s own footprint and the pile of rubble was 12.5% the original height of the building – exactly as per the controlled demolition textbooks. Buildings 1 & 2 which are more than twice the height of building 7. Just to put it in perspective, building 7 was roughly the height of the tower at canary wharf… just to put it into perspective. 27:42: Buildings 1 & 2 collapsed into dust. The buildings totally disintegrated. There is no explanation as to what has caused that – it’s a big question that’s left open. Take a look at this for a second… What a shame that Ian either hadn’t researched or didn’t want to mention Dr Judy Wood’s scientific investigation into what happened to the towers (even though I have repeatedly mentioned it to him). It is a shame that this happened in front of the sort of audience he was speaking to.