From: benthejrporter Date: 2017-06-11 20:10:38 Wait for it to dustify!…
Month: June 2017
From: Glen Walker Date: 2017-06-08 10:40:01 16944 is the key…..and the location is paramount….exactly why Tesla constructed the Wardenclyffe tower within a short distance.Cheers GlenSent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 at 0:33, SusannaJBrown susannajbrown@yahoo…. [Cognoscence] wrote: At 26:10 Gerrard Morin talks…
From: SusannaJBrown Date: 2017-06-07 13:33:51 At 26:10 Gerrard Morin talks about how the steel in the twin towers were resonated to turn to dust, backing up Dr Judy Wood’s research. a molecules of a material is resonated with a frequency, then that frequency is adjusted slighted,…
From: free.vegan_17 Date: 2017-06-07 11:30:25 There are some interesting facts and clear imagery about this building:the construction was completed in 1971, but was not accessed for public papal purpose until 12 June 2007, Its lies partly in Vatican City, but mostly in Italy,both inside and outside there…
From: mr.edd14 Date: 2017-06-07 00:38:14 Another well put together video there!I’ve just seen a trailer for the new Hollywood movie ‘The Mummy’, where famous buildings in London just turn into dust. Is this is a case of art imitating life?…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-06-06 09:49:06 Here is a new video I was sent. It includes clips from some of the more recent interviews Dr Judy Wood and myself have done. (1hr 8 mins)
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-06-05 14:03:30 Khaki trousers… hmmm…. But hey, be afraid folks! ISIS suicide bombers are lurking in the bottom of your shopping trolley – no, really!!!
From: susannajbrown Date: 2017-06-04 20:55:30 Interesting research by Russian Pjotr…
From: Joe Date: 2017-06-04 20:38:19 except that Sagan’s logic had a fatal flaw…he assumed that all sun rays struck earth in a perpendicular fashion, because the sun was so much larger. he failed to consider that the sun might be a local sun, nowhere near the 91…
From: Hilary Kitching Date: 2017-06-04 19:19:22 It couldn’t be proved better than by Carl Sagan explaining Eratosthenes proofs. Thanks for that Ben. Hilary J Kitching EngTech MInstRE On 3 June 2017 at 19:24, benthejrporter@hotma… [Cognoscence] wrote: Fellow globalists! Our point is proved! v=3EspZtA7C3o