From: Fernando Tognola Date: 2017-07-19 00:57:47  And yet I am always surprised of how naive I am, I thought Chandler was a well intentioned clumsy but I just saw a documentary    ( The Pentagon plane puzzle ) and I cannot believe how incredibly (dishonest, or brainwashed,…

From: Fernando Tognola Date: 2017-07-17 07:09:14 Hi Andrew,  Well, I predicted back in 2010 among other things:” …Julian Assange is going to be OK, he will not be arrested because he is being handled…”   I got  rather spooky feeling as I was just reading an article I wrote 8…

From: Fernando Tognola Date: 2017-07-15 15:16:51  It is disturbing how FOIA releases have key omissions and cuts, this video as well as the one taken from the Millenium hotel further ahead would have been most enlightening with the whole  uncut  raw data sets without the tampering so…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-07-13 10:49:00 This video  was posted by Julia in our facebook group. It analyses this video  which was posted on a channel called “NIST FOIA” on 27 May 2017. It shows, briefly, some of the WTC 2 core dustifiying – which…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-07-04 23:19:07 Attachments :A revised, expanded and updated version of Lloyd Pye’s compelling and ground-breaking 1997 original book should be available sometime in August. Very many thanks to Amy for sending me a proof copy! Wonderful!