From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2006-02-03 08:50:31
We just had 3 interesting PDFs sent to us by a chap called Alex Putney. VERY interesting! Psychoacoustic Architecture, Magnetic Resonance and the,Sanskrit Aztlan of the Third-Eye Alex Putney In these chapters I present my theory of Magnetic Resonance, which posits that the sacred octagonal mandala of the square within the circle is a geometric code for a nonlinear atmospheric resonance, a precise structure within which all of the piezoelectric temples of the world are aligned. Indeed, it is a four-dimensional theory that has been referred to in mathematics as the Unified Field Theory which reveals the interwoven nature of gravity, consciousness and electromagnetics. I am currently looking for a publisher and fora to present this material, and hope that this material will help to unveil the invisible mental energies enfolding our planet, and the current cosmic changes occurring. 1. Psychoacoustics 2. Psychoacoustic Architecture and Magnetic Resonance 3. Sanskrit Aztlan of the Third-Eye The work of John Reid is also relevant to the topics of acoustics discussed here. Listen to 2 interviews with him here and here and learn of the healing experience he had.