From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2006-03-01 22:37:04
www.checktheevidence… 19.3 Megs, approx 112 mins playback time Human Origins & the ‘gods’South African author Michael Tellinger presented the thesis that mankind was genetically created by ancient astronauts, the Annunaki, in order to serve as a work force at their gold mines in Africa some 200,000 years ago. The Annunaki needed gold particles to shield the atmosphere of their planet, he explained. There is evidence of ancient mines between 30,000-50,000 years old in Africa, and Sumerian depictions show miners using machinery and light to conduct their operations, he said. The value gold has had throughout civilizations originated with the Annunaki’s obsession with it, Tellinger stated. All of the twelve major religions reference a mythological god involved in our creation, he said. But humanity has been praying to the wrong god– namely the ancient astronauts who genetically designed us for their dubious purposes, Tellinger argued. That is why he refers to them with the lower case letter “g.” The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah may have actually been an Annunaki “resistance movement,” who were wiped out by nuclear explosives, he added. The Sumerian tablets, which have been translated by Zecharia Sitchin and others, are the oldest written historical documents. One from the Schoyen Collection in Norway talks about Kings who ruled for a total of 220,000 years– information that is corroborated in other tablets, Tellinger reported.