Challenge to New York Times’ Writers to a Debate on 9/11

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2006-05-26 20:53:37

Interesting “debate”   Jim Hoffman and Don Paul Challenge New York Times’ Writers to a Debate on 9/11
Wednesday, May 24, 2006    
Www.911research.wtc7…DON PAUL AND JIM HOFFMAN CHALLENGE NEW YORK TIMES’ WRITERS JAMES GLANZ AND ERIC LIPTON TO DEBATE ON THE CRIMES OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 IN NEW YORK CITYReason for the Challenge:On the occasion of the release of their new DVD, 9/11 Guilt /The Proof Is in Your Hands (…), Jim Hoffman and Don Paul, two of the most acclaimed writers on the subject of 2001’s ‘Attack on America’, invite James Glantz and Eric Lipton, staff writers for The New York Times and authors of a 2003 book on the World Trade Center and its destruction to a debate on the facts and consequences of the 9/11/01 crimes in New York City.”We chose James Glantz and Eric Lipton for our invitation because their skills and prominence nicely represent the illusion-bearers in mass-media who have steadfastly covered up the obvious demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers,” said Don Paul, whose presentation in the new DVD is titled ‘Indicting Financiers behind the Crimes of 9/11/01′.”City in the Sky stands out for its use of inventive prose and silly anthropomorphisms to hide basic realties about the Twin Towers’ structures and their explosive, symmetrical destruction,” said Jim Hoffman, creator of the highly praised websites and”We hope Mr. Glantz and Mr. Lipton will join us in a discussion that could help to restore journalistic integrity in the United States. We need our mass-media to at last expose the ‘Big Lie’ of 9/11/01 before more of such lies provide the ‘pretext’ for a war on Iran,” Paul added. “We hope for a public debate before that war starts.”  

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