News! The Sun (UK Newspaper) Prints Facts!!

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2006-08-16 09:46:23…,,2-2006370641,00.html Was 9/11 a conspiracy?  RELATED STORIES • Welcome to my blog  FULL NEWS INDEX ARE people who believe 9/11 was a conspiracy planned by the US Government all loonies? Trevor Kavanagh replies to one reader who thinks not. From: Steve James
To: Kavanagh, Trevor
Sent: Mon 14 Aug 2006 08:43
Trevor,I read your article in this morning’s Sun with interest. First of all I am not some “looney”, neither am I a Muslim – I am not religious. I am white, 35 years old, happily married with children. Not one person in my family or friends believes for one minute the official story of 9/11 as given by the US Government. You mention the Twin Towers could not have fallen by crashing planes into them but I would like to point out here that both towers fell at near free fall speed. That means there was no resistance as they fell – this is only possible in a controlled demolition. And what about WTC7 – the third skyscraper that collapsed on the World Trade Center site? Not even the official National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report could explain why that building fell, again at free fall speed. It wasn’t hit by a plane so they can’t say it was the jet fuel. Last week the 9/11 commission admitted they met in secret because they wanted charges brought against the Pentagon for lying over 9/11. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lied after 9/11 saying the air was clean and safe to breathe; now many first responders are either dead or dying and over 700 fire-fighters from Ground Zero have now retired due to ill health. So we have the Pentagon lying and the EPA lying – why is it so hard to believe that the whole Government is lying? Please research this for yourself and see just how much evidence there is. Check out Prof. Steven Jones’s research on finding thermite traces on the World Trade Center steel. Look again at the Pentagon after it was hit – before the wall collapsed – the damage is not consistent with a plane crash. There is no damage on the Pentagon from where the two huge engines on an aeroplane would have hit it. Why is the FBI refusing to release over 80 tapes of the Pentagon strike if there is nothing to hide? Why did the 9/11 commission not release the computer models of the towers falling? Why did the 9/11 commission show only have two inaccurate drawings to explain the pancake theory, and they were only in 2D? There is something very suspect about 9/11 that is not going to go away by just calling people who doubt the official story fantasists and loonies. Thank you for your time,Stephen James From:  Kavanagh, Trevor
To:  Steve James
Sent: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:57
Hi, Steve,Thanks for writing. Everyone should think twice before taking what any government says at face value.But it is a big leap from justifiable scepticism to the conspiracy theories abounding on 9/11 etc. There is a very good explanation for the collapse of the Twin Towers. It was explained in an independent documentary that showed the unique construction used for these buildings, which allowed one floor to collapse almost intact on the one below and so on. As for the Pentagon crash, I’ve seen that website too. But if it was something other than an aircraft, what happened to the airliner and its passengers which must otherwise have landed elsewhere? The notion that any government – even a totalitarian one – would engineer a catastrophe that would have required such precision in broad daylight is just too ridiculous. It’s like believing Princess Diana was murdered, that Hitler lived to a ripe old age in Patagonia, or that the Moon landings actually took place in a Texas desert. Trevor Kavanagh From: Steve James
To: Kavanagh, Trevor
Sent: Mon 14 Aug 2006 12:11
Trevor,Thank you for replying to my email. As regards the Twin Towers collapsing, the official explanation is ridiculous.  I saw the documentary that explained the collapse as well. Can I ask then if the floors collapsed intact onto one another why then there were not any intact lumps of concrete? All the concrete in the Towers was pulverized, was it pulverized as it was coming down? Why did the Towers fall at such high speed?  What about all the reports from the day from firemen, policemen and civilians of numerous explosions within the Towers? What about the “squibs” you can see going off as the Towers fall? If you watch a controlled demolition of similar buildings you see the exact same “squibs”. Have you seen the clip of WTC7 where you can see the explosions running up the corner of the building? Remember that WTC7 was not hit by an aircraft and only had a few small fires burning, even NIST & the 9/11 Commission couldn’t explain that collapse.  This was the only steel framed building before and since to collapse from a fire; the fact that no one seems worried about other steel framed buildings collapsing from fire is surely a sign of an intentional collapse. What about the 1975 World Trade Center fire that spread over several floors? That fire never caused the Tower to collapse. What about the fact Larry Silverstein took over the leasehold six weeks before 9/11 and took out special terrorist insurance which has made him billions of dollars? What about the fact that two firemen reached the 78th floor of the South Tower three minutes before its collapse and reported only two small fires that could be put out with two lines? Don’t forget both Towers were hit differently: the North Tower head and the South Tower on the corner with most of the jet fuel exploding outside, yet they collapsed in exactly the same way. What about the molten steel found at Ground Zero weeks after the collapse? You do not get molten steel from an office fire. What about the fact the Towers were full of asbestos and it would have cost far too much to remove it properly? If terrorists had been planning the attacks for years, why did they attack first thing in the morning? If they had attacked later in the day, the death toll would have been a lot higher. Why not fly the planes in lower and trap more people? I don’t know what happend to the plane that was meant to have hit the Pentagon; all I know is there is no way you could fit a plane into the hole that was left at the Pentagon. And why was there no plane wreckage outside the hole? Why did the Pentagon announce the day before 9/11 that trillions of dollars were missing? It’s well known that bad news is given on a Friday so it can be forgotten over the weekend but this was announced on the Monday. But for me above all, how can the most secure building in the world be hit by anything? The Government’s inability to answer these questions is the reason half of America believes the Government’s involvement in 9/11. I know people will find a conspiracy in anything but there are so many unanswered questions over 9/11. I am not saying that I know who was behind the attacks because I don’t, but I know a sick man sitting in a cave on the other side of the world wasn’t responsible. Thank you for your time, not many journalists take the time to reply to emails so I appreciate that you did. Regards,Steve
From: Kavanagh, Trevor
To: Steve James
Sent: Mon 14 Aug 2006 12:44
Thanks, Steve,I always respond unless someone gets too abusive (which they occasionally do!).But just on the points you raise, is it really feasible that a US President would order the mass murder of his own citizens; that he would be able to even begin organising such a complex act of destruction requiring split-second coordination, in full view of the billions watching live on TV and get away with it for five years without a single shred of actual (as opposed to presumed) evidence emerging from anyone of what must have been many people involved?America is famously clumsy and even obtuse, perhaps sometimes ruthless and secretive. But its political structures are also famously assiduous in tracking down any misdeeds by its leaders – especially in the run up to elections. I haven’t heard a whisper from any credible source.TK

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