From: Ian McCabe
Date: 2006-10-20 20:07:17
Message Hi Clive, Downloaded without any problems with a 4 meg internet connection. Can’t remember exactly how long it took but I think it was between 1 and 2 hours and I watched the first 20 minutes while it was downloading so it may be worth trying again. Ian —–Original Message—–From: Cognoscence@yahoogro… [mailto:Cognoscence@yahoogro…] On Behalf Of clive.dentonSent: 19 October 2006 16:57To: Cognoscence@yahoogro…Subject: Re: [Cognoscence] Freedom to Fascism Well according to the Google video player I have to wait 24 hours for the buffering to complete on this Freedom to Fascism video if I want to watch the FULL uninterrupted version. When I try to play what it has downloaded it will play about 20 seconds and then the player stops and the Buffering starts all over again. If any of you are tempted to do the same as me to watch this video by downloading the Google video player and then the full version of the F2F video, don’t bother it is a waste of time. I have an 8 Mb broadband connection with nothing else using the connection so unless the video is over 2 Gb in size I can’t see why it will take 24 hours for the Buffering to complete. Clive —– Original Message —– From: clive.denton To: Cognoscence@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 4:18 PM Subject: Re: [Cognoscence] Freedom to Fascism Mmm. I am having big problems to get this to play over the internet. So I tried to download it, first off I had to download the Google video player except a million and 1 options which I do not need and then downloaded the video, but it does not play, its just the same as trying to view it online. Does anyone know how I can download this and watch it with out Google being involved. Clive —– Original Message —– From: Andrew Johnson To: ad.johnson@ntlworld .com Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 12:37 PM Subject: [Cognoscence] Freedom to Fascism Available on Google Video again – not sure how long for… video. videoplay? docid=-818427770 3302736253