An Interview with Dr. McKay (re Chemtrailing)

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2007-06-02 00:32:07

www.americanchronicl… An Interview with Dr. McKay Victoria Hardy May 18, 2007 I’ve been writing a lot about perception these days and how folks can see the same event and walk away with totally different views; it’s a subject I find fascinating. And with that in mind, I turn back to the chemtrail/contrail battle raging even stronger on the Internet. It seems the lines are firmly drawn between the factions. Those who see contrails believe the chemtrail seers are kooks and those who see chemtrails believe the contrail seers are asleep and in denial. Besides the emails I have received concerning illnesses, respiratory issues and nose bleeds, I’ve had others speak of a sense of oddness, a lack of concentration and strange dreams after seeing heavy trails in the sky. I don’t know if they are contrails or chemtrails or if what we call them even matters, what I do know is that my gut spoke with a resounding “That ain’t right,” the first time I saw one. I’m a bit of a simpleton when it comes to the world; I tend to trust my own eyes, logic, experience and instincts over the words of the experts. And the majority of the experts agree that the lines in the sky are simply contrails, just like a majority of experts agree that it is normal for steel buildings to collapse in free fall speed due to fire. Luckily for us there are those experts who stand up for the truth, who buck the trend and who carve new paths. Dr. McKay and I have been playing email tag for months now, so I ended up receiving his conclusions on the chemtrail phenomenon before I received the answers to an interview I sent him back in February. Although I believe his findings answered most questions in A Doctor Speaks Out About Chemtrails, I would like share some excerpts from the earlier interview. Q. You stated your interest in chemtrails came from a geo-engineering view and correct me if I’m wrong, but geo-engineering breaks down to mean earth engineering, so the chemtrails are being used to alter the earth? A. Yes, the earth as a whole. It is the atmosphere that is being altered by various means of modification. Q. Would that include earthquakes? A. No. There is no link to earthquakes from chemtrails, however HAARP is a suspect. Q. Would it also include melting the Polar Regions? A. Yes. The simple fact that they are releasing these chemicals and using other means to steer the weather systems is enough to alter the natural stability of the Polar Regions. Q. Is it as meteorologist Scott Stevens at has stated, that now that is has started, it cannot be stopped? A. Yes, unfortunately it is a case of a small domino effect, or in this case it is more like the butterfly effect. i.e. if a butterfly flaps its wings in one country it may cause a gale in another country. Q. I understand that HAARP and radio frequency work together with the chemtrails, and I understand that the use of metals in the air increases our communication and surveillance abilities, but could you address the affect on our state of being, our moods and our health? A. The major concerns for our health are not just the effects of the trails (heavy metals) but also the effects of radio frequency, the frequency that the likes of HAARP use are very close to the bodies’ natural frequencies so they are bound to affect our health. Both Alzheimer’s and MS have links with heavy metals so if the increase in heavy metals continues then the rates of these conditions will also increase over time. Q. I have read that the Schumann’s Resonance, or the natural frequency or heartbeat of the earth has altered in recent years and that the magnetic field is at it lowest point in 2000 years, are these changes a natural evolution or a result of “chemtrails”? And any ideas of how this affects the planet and its people? A. Yes, it has altered but it is probably the result of all the electric fields that we humans have introduced to the earth, Power lines, and it is increasing, NOT lowering. It alters the waves the body responds to for example: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta waves. The brain responds to inputs at a certain frequency or frequencies. Instabilities in certain rhythms can be correlated with tics, obsessive-compulsive disorder, aggressive behavior, rage, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, migraines, narcolepsy, epilepsy, sleep apnea, vertigo, tinnitus, anorexia/bulimia, suicidal ideation and behavior, PMS, multiple chemical sensitivities, diabetes, hypoglycemia and explosive behavior. The strongest of the seven resonances is 7.83 Hz, in the alpha brain-wave range. If the rise in resonance continues, this primary resonance, changes from sub-band low alpha (7-10 Hz) to sub-band high alpha (10-12 Hz), perhaps influencing our ability to relax deeply, balance and integrate our mind/body connection. It could influence REM sleep and dreaming. If it continues to rise, it will breach the threshold into beta activity. Low beta (12-15 Hz) is associated with lack of focused attention, and can even indicate attention deficit disorder. Q. I have heard that HAARP is literally extending or “pushing out” our ionosphere, how would that affect the magnetic field? A. HAARP is very worrying as it is directly heating the sphere and pushing it outwards. The sphere is linked to the earth’s own magnetic field and affecting it would be very bad for the earth as it would alter most living things. For example there are recent reports from around the world of Birds, Bees and marine animals suddenly dying in large numbers, all of these creatures use the earths magnetic fields and it is no surprise that an increase in HAARP activity has coincided with an increase in abnormal behavior Q. How are chemtrails affecting the global warming issue? A. Chemtrails are being used to wrap the earth in a blanket to supposedly help the earth with global warming and to block the rays of the sun from hitting the earth including the ultra violet radiation that will come through without an adequate layer of ozone in the upper regions above the earth. This, it is hoped, will lower temperature on the surface of the earth and block ultra violet radiation from causing skin cancer in humans, however there is now evidence that it may actually harm the planet in the respect that it traps the heat in. Q. And what about the orbs that are being seen in and along chemtrails, I had only seen pictures and read stories of such orbs until 1-27-07, when I saw one myself. Are they using some type of top-secret propulsion system? A. I have come to the conclusion that orbs are a very hi-tech probe, powered by a new form of propulsion, there is strong evidence for this, for example they are always seen around spraying, there are examples of new technology unveiled recently that are round probes that can stay aloft for hours and hours. Q. Could all the recent sightings of strange lights in the skies and UFOs have something to do with top-secret propulsion systems and chemtrails? A. It is possible that it is tied in, as one of the goals of the DOD is to create projections into the sky, also there is a possibility that they are side effects of atmosphere testing of new radar technology. Q. To the best of my knowledge, from the videos and photos I’ve seen and all the websites dedicated to the subject, this appears to be happening on a global basis, how has it stayed so quiet? A. Well, the problem is that it is such a big project, involving so many countries and many states, and there is a lot at stake so people tend to keep quiet. Q. And the thought that keeps me up at night, why isn’t everyone on the street pointing up and asking questions? A. Unfortunately, history shows us that the general population tends not to notice something until its too late, even when people are shown it, they will often still deny it, as it is better to deny it than accept the true horror of the truth. Dr. McKay can be reached at this email address: steve.mckay2@ntlworl…

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