From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-06-05 17:34:42
A new FBI-inspired terror plot? by Elias Davidsson 2 June 2007 Corporate media around the world reported today (2 June 2007) about the arrest and indictment of four individuals charged for preparing to blow up oil pipelines at Kennedy Airport in New York, with the intent to cause extreme damage and killings. The named individuals were Muslims from Guyana (South America), one of whom resided in New York. The main corporate media mentioned that the information about this terrorist plans came through an FBI informer who recorded conversations with one of the alleged plotters over an extensive period of time, an individual described as a former employee at JFK airport who is presented as the instigator of the terrorist plan. The Washington Post posted on its webpage a link to the Criminal Complaint submitted on June 1st, 2007 to the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York by Robert Addonizio, who presented himself as a Detective/Investigator with the Kings County District Attorney’s Office assigned to the Joint Terrorist Task Force. In the Criminal Complaint, the FBI informer is not named but designated as the Source. (media.washingtonpost… ) A comparison between the Criminal Complaint and how media have reported the issue reveals significant discrepancies. 1. In his submission, Detective Addonizio describes the Source in the following terms: “The government has been working with the Source since 2004. The Source was convicted on federal drug trafficking and RICO charges in the Southern District of New York in 1996. The Source was also convicted on drug trafficking charges in New York Supreme Court in 2003. His sentence in that case is pending as part of his expectation of a reduced sentence in exchange for his cooperation, the Source also receives financial assistance. The Source has provided extremely credible information that has been corroborated by consensual recordings, e-mails, financial documents, surveillance and other records and information.” (p. 7) None of the corporate media mentioned the criminal background of the FBI informer and the incentive he had to induce fellow Muslims into a terror plot. 2. In his submission, Detective Addonizio warns that “excerpts of documents and tape-recorded conversations, when referred to herein, are from summaries and draft transcripts; they are not exact quotes.” (p. 5) Yet, corporate media have cited these alleged quotes as if they had truly been voiced by the alleged terrorst plotter, glossing over the specific warnings stated in the Criminal Complaint. 3. On p. 19 of the Criminal Complaint, it is mentioned that the Source paid for a video camera to be used by the alleged terror plotter in filming areas around the Kennedy airport. The FBI informer thus helped the alleged terrorist plotter onwards with his plans. These films were subsequently used – as alleged in the Complaint – to draw Guyanian citizens into the terror plot and induce these individuals into a criminal conspiracy. The corporate media did not mention the material contribution of the FBI informer to the terror plot. END