From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-07-25 13:29:07… Wednesday, July 18, 2007, 11:45 am By Billy Cox FOIA hitch could be ‘X-Files’-related Meanwhile, north of the border in Winnipeg, as the grotesquely protracted U.S. presidential campaign grinds on and on and on, Grant Cameron is still waiting for the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library to send him the UFO stuff.When the 138 million-page library opened its doors in Little Rock, Ark., in January ’06, Cameron and scores of his Freedom of Information Act requests were idling near the front of the line.At his Web site, Cameron chronicles frequent conversational UFO references by the Clinton White House. He says his FOIAs are trolling for the sort of unglamorous tedium (e.g., schedules from the early 1990s, when the late billionaire philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller was distributing UFO briefing documents to Washington insiders) that could provide a back-door glimpse into the Clintons maneuvering with the issue.Grounded by U.S. security agents in 2005 (De Void, 7/3/07) from presenting his 64 Reasons the Government Decided Not to Tell You Whats Going On to a crowd in Los Angeles, Camerons an old hand at the FOIA game. Thats why hes a tad puzzled over why hes heard so little from the Clinton Library.I got Nancys (Reagan) astrology stuff a lot sooner than this, he says. Six months, somewhere in there, mostly copies of newspaper articles, editorial cartoons theyd collected, huge amounts of paper, maybe 2,000 pages.Why the long delay with Clinton? Cameron suspects Sen. Hillary Clintons bid for the White House is a factor.Theres things in there like (chief of staff John) Podestas 50th birthday party, Cameron says. Podesta was a big X-Files fan, and Bill and Hillary came dressed up as X-File characters. Theres videotape of it, and Ive requested it. Im sure they dont want that kind of material coming out during the election cycle.Unless the former first couple employed themes from the episodes Home (inbred pig people) or The Host (worm/human mutant sewage parasite), De Void fails to see the problem.