9/11 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland)
A Report Originally Compiled
For the
Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher, MP
and any other
Interested Readers
October 28th 2006
Part 1
3.1 Scholars for 9/11 Truth.. 8
3.2 Larger 9/11 Truth Events and Significant Developments in the USA.. 8
3.3 Recent US Opinion Poll – 84% Believe Government is Lying about 9/11. 9
3.4 More USA 9/11 Truth Groups Forming – Veterans and Patriots. 10
3.5 UK Events and Developments. 10
3.6 UK – 5th Anniversary Weekend 9th – 11th September 2006. 11
4 Structure Of Campaign Body. 13
4.2 Committee and Constitution.. 14
4.4 Additional “Shop Window” Website. 14
4.5 David Shayler and Annie Machon.. 14
This section attempts to include “thumbnail sketches” of the main events both in the UK and the USA, which seem noteworthy for one reason or another.
3.1 Scholars for 9/11 Truth
This is mentioned first in this section, due to its significance. In September 2005, Professor Steve Jones published a paper entitled Why Indeed did the World Trade Centre Buildings Collapse? (This paper has recently drawn some criticism from other 9/11 Truth Scholars.) In December 2005, Prof Jim Fetzer and Prof Steve Jones took the decision to form the group and launch a Website. Its membership is international, now running to over 300 members. For full information, visit www.st911.org and its sister website www.journalof911stud… . In recent months, however, a significant difference of opinion has developed in this group, which is discussed further in section 11.1.
3.2 Larger 9/11 Truth Events and Significant Developments in the USA
3.2.1 “Panel Events” in Sept 2004
Both Jimmy Walter’s group (www.reopen911.org) and Michael Berger’s group (www.911truth.org) organised fairly large “panel” events in September 2004, which gathered together a number of researchers and gave them an opportunity to present an analysis of evidence to the members of the public. The one organised by www.911truth.org swore in witnesses before the panel of commissioners (which the US Government’s Commission initially did not). Both these panel events were recorded. Jimmy Walter’s was released on the Internet and on DVD, 911Truth.org’s seemed to be released on the Internet only.
3.2.2 Jimmy Walter’s Florida Event – August 2005
Jimmy organised another event in Tampa, Florida at which Eric Hufschmid and William Rodriguez spoke. About 600 people attended this.
3.2.3 Chicago 9/11 Truth Event – Early June 2006
Here, Professor Morgan Reynolds (a former Republican economist in GW Bush’s 1st administration) gave a presentation entitled “President Bush – Come out of the White House With Your Hands Up. You are under arrest for treason on 9/11”. Hard though you may find it to believe, the former Director of the Criminal Justice Centre at the National Centre for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to “blow the World Trade Centre to kingdom come” with explosives—a shock-and-awe psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a pre-planned “long war” in the Middle East, massive increases in military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.
Ian Crane and Annie Machon also spoke at the event.
3.2.4 Los Angeles Event – Late June 2006
Charlie Sheen addressed the LA group of 1500 people and described how “a juggernaut of truth” was being released at the event. He stated “We are here today to fire a warning shot across the bow of mainstream media – to remind them of their original responsibility as civil and political watchdogs.”
Professor Steven E Jones presentation discussed the new physical evidence of the use of thermate in the demolition, following the discovery of WTC metal samples in a memorial park. He has analysed these using X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry (XEDS).
He was followed by the former head of the Star Wars program Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, speaking as a former interceptor pilot, with 101 combat missions in Viet Nam in F-4’s, he dispelled any idea that the failure of the U.S. Air Force to intercept the hijacked airliners on September 11, was anything but an intentional stand-down ordered from the highest levels of our government.
3.2.5 New York – 5th Anniversary – Sept 2006
Such a large crowd of 9/11 Truth activists gathered in New York that a picture even appeared on the BBC Website:
Alex Jones was there “bull-horning”, and a number of other prominent Truth Activists spoke and distributed materials.
This report also once again demonstrates liberal use (in the picture caption) of the term “Conspiracy Theorist” to describe 9/11 Truth campaigners, despite the scientific and other evidence that proves the WTC buildings were demolished with explosives.
3.2.6 String of Media Appearances of Scholars on Fox News
During the weeks of July, August and September 2006, several 9/11 Truth Scholars have appeared on Fox News – Prof Jim Fetzer, Prof Kevin Barrett, Dr Robert Bowman and Prof Morgan Reynolds (see later for additional comments on this). (See either www.st911.org or www.911blogger.com for links to video clips etc).
3.2.7 Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
This has been formed by Prof Kevin Barrett and others, with the support of people like Professor David Ray Griffin. Kevin Barrett has been subject to attempts at character assassination since his appearance on Fox News and had his employment status threatened. (Prof Steve Jones has also been suspended from his post at Brigham Young University, though on full pay).
3.3 Recent US Opinion Poll – 84% Believe Government is Lying about 9/11
This was done for CBS and the New York Times.
From: www.angus-reid.com/p…
Polling Data
When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?
Oct. 2006 |
May 2002 |
Telling the truth |
16% |
21% |
Hiding something |
53% |
65% |
Mostly lying |
28% |
8% |
Not sure |
3% |
6% |
3.4 More USA 9/11 Truth Groups Forming – Veterans and Patriots
Shortly after the formation of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, another new group formed – “Veterans for 9/11 Truth” (www.v911t.org). More recently, a similar group has formed: “Patriots for 9/11 Truth” (www.patriotsquestion…)
3.5 UK Events and Developments
3.5.1 Books Released
Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan’s Book 9-11 Revealed was also published in August 2005 and a 2nd Book by Rowland Morgan Flight 93 Revealed: What Really Happened on the Heroic 9/11 ‘Let’s Roll’ Flight was released in August 2006.
The former book release resulted in a review being published in The Daily Mail (also in August 2005) which remains the longest and most detailed discussion of 9/11 Truth evidence yet published in the UK press.
3.5.2 Talks and Presentations Around the Country
Over the last 12-18 months an increasing number of events have been held around the country. They have been concentrated in a number of areas – such as Totnes, Bristol, Leeds and London. These talks have been primarily given by David Shayler, Annie Machon and Ian Crane (particularly in the case of Ian Crane who has been doing organised talks for probably longer than anyone else) and are often organised by individual campaigners, using their own funds and initiative (this is indicative of the strength of feelings people have when they realise the truth).
A more complete (though certainly not exhaustive) list is given in section 5.
3.5.3 G8 Summit – July 2005
Campaigners gave a number of talks and distributed 9/11 Truth Materials in Scotland.
3.5.4 Scotland Speaking Tour – Autumn 2005
David Shayler and Annie Machon toured a number of towns and gave a number of talks and presentations – to groups of varying sizes – around the region.
3.5.5 Stop the War Marches – e.g. London, 18th March
9/11 Truth Campaigners have maintained a visible presence at all of them since September 2004.
By March 2006, awareness of 9/11 Truth issues did seem to be growing. This was demonstrated to me when I took part in the “Stop the War Protest” in London on Sat. 18th March. Perhaps the most significant part of this event was former SAS Officer Ben Griffin’s short speech about his refusal to return to Iraq, due to the methods being used by the allied forces being inconsistent with the introduction of democracy. He had a message for Mr Blair – “It’s not God that will judge you – it’s us.” This speech was neither reported nor aired by the BBC.
Many of the people I spoke to on the March had some awareness of the 9/11 Truth issues, but they weren’t aware of a more organised UK Campaign.
For a more detailed report about this event, see section 7.1.
3.5.6 Michael Meacher and Jeremy Corbyn’s Proposed Showing of Loose Change 2
This was originally slated for June 14th 2006, but did not take place for several reasons. At least one campaigner wrote to his MP to advise her of this event.
3.6 UK – 5th Anniversary Weekend 9th – 11th September 2006
3.6.1 Saturday 9th September
Professor David Ray Griffin’s talk entitled Should 9/11 Truth be Concealed or Revealed? washeard by a capacity crowd of about 600 people in Conway Hall. David Shayler, Ian Crane and Annie Machon also provided additional perspectives and commentary. A copy of the press release is included in section 6.4.3.
3.6.2 Sunday 10th September
Also on Sunday, we held a day-long event at Brixton, organised by several London members. About 10 or 15 people spoke about various topics, including Former MI5 Officer Annie Machon as well as Calum Douglas, an Engineering student from Oxford Brookes University, Media Company Director Tim Sparke, Journalist and radio presenter Tony Gosling, David Shayler and former Oil Industry Worker Ian Crane. I was also asked to give 2 short presentations about my own campaigning activities. Between 50 and 100 people attended the day. Several bands played in the evening and Anti-Terror Police Officers came to the event to request names and details of band members – even though all they were doing was playing music in a night club (Brixton Mass). See section 7.3 for a more detailed report.
3.6.3 Monday 11th September
A demonstration was held outside the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square where, campaigners held banners reading, for example, “Honour the Dead – Tell The Truth”. The group of about 100 people all know the truth about the large and ongoing deception which is being perpetrated by the US and UK governments and the media.
With the latter group of people in mind, the party then moved on to display their message outside the BBC at White City and distribute leaflets and disks.
All of this was ignored by the main news. However, on the evening of Monday 11th, Prof David Ray Griffin appeared with Tim Sparke (Director of Mercury Media) on James Whale’s radio show on Talk Sport. This 2-hour appearance drew an audience of an estimated 1 million listeners and David Ray Griffin discussed many of the main aspects of 9/11 Truth. See section 7.3 for a more detailed report.
3.6.4 Tuesday 12th September
Prof Griffin gave his talk at an event organised by Tim Sparke, director of Mercury Media. This event was held for members of the press and other invited guests, as well as a number of UK campaigners. At least 2 journalists were in attendance. MP for Lewes Norman Baker was the only MP in attendance.
3.7 BBC Issues
They have given us no real reason (apart from saying “editorial decisions”) for not covering the formation of the Scholars’ Group, even though we have had some polite exchanges with BBC News Director, Helen Boaden. As you will see from the brief correspondence in Appendix A, Ms Boaden highlighted a statement that a journalist had “seen the plane hit the pentagon”. We never mentioned the pentagon crash – I was primarily concerned with the events at the WTC and the formation of our Scholars’ Group. Ms Boaden did mention that we could speak to a correspondent called Emily Buchanan, but this was some time ago. She has not yet contacted us and we have tried to contact her, but as yet with no result. Some additional e-mail correspondence with a BBC Reporter, Paul Reynolds, is included in section 9.3.
We have offered to speak to people like Jeremy Paxman or John Humphries, but such is the media cover-up of 9/11 Truth that our position, despite being backed by experienced Scholars and people like Andreas Von Buelow (former German Foreign Minister), is completely ignored – this is unacceptable. We have pointed out that the BBC is in serious breach of its charter on impartiality, but we have not had the resources to pursue this on a legal footing.
3.7.1 Prof David Ray Griffin on BBC 1
Prof David Ray Griffin appeared on the BBC’s Heaven and Earth show on Sunday 10th September to discuss the main points of his recent book Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11. In the 7-minute interview, recorded in Amsterdam with Ed Sturton, Prof Griffin discussed the controlled demolition and total destruction (to pulverised dust) of WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 – and the footage was shown to illustrate his discussion. This interview was followed by a short panel discussion which included David Shayler, Peter Hitchins and John Irvine, Dean of Coventry. None of the guests were able to offer any specific evidence against anything that David Ray Griffin or David Shayler said. Despite this, again, the main BBC news covered none of this. This is therefore additional documentation of the BBC’s complicity in covering up the real crimes on 9/11.
3.7.2 Other Aspects of BBC Coverage
When Hollywood Actor Charlie Sheen spoke out against the 9/11 Cover Up and, the US media dragged up some of his past history to try and “rubbish” his statements (and the 9/11 Truth movement in general), this doesn’t seem to have worked very well and the result will be that more people are exposed to the issue – and some of them may begin to study it more closely. The BBC ignored the story completely. They, have also chosen to ignore the level of feeling against the Bush Administration – a separate petition (nothing to do with 911 Truth) to have George Bush impeached (for breaking US Constitutional Law) has garnered over 700,000 signatures (www.impeachbush.org ).
4 Structure Of Campaign Body
4.1 About the Campaign
Ian Neal has put a summary on the Website (www.nineeleven.co.uk…):
One voice
The campaign recognises that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. We aim to unite opinion from Michael Meacher MP to David Icke. The campaign does not endorse any one presentation of the evidence or individual. What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11. The greatest challenge is lack of public awareness and debate of this evidence and promoting this awareness and debate is our primary purpose.
· We call on people from the media to support us
· We call on politicians to support us
· We call on people from security, intelligence and law enforcement communities to support us
· We call on people from the business community to support us
· We call for support from around the world and provided we share the same vision, we will support you in turn
· We call on all people to be true to thyself, to love oneself and each other.
Speak your own truth and free others to speak theirs
Your support can be as small as publicly supporting the need to reinvestigate 9/11 Sign our petition.
We seek to work across any political, social or religious divides: for all divisions are artificial and temporary. We seek tolerance, debate and diversity across the movement. We aim to be a welcoming, open and transparent movement that unites rather than divides and works for peace, transparency, disclosure, accountability, justice, reconciliation and truth and global transformation.
We will act respectfully both within and beyond the campaign. We promote only non-violent and legal campaigning and will work for legal justice for any one who, out of conscience, breaks the law in acts of non-violent, civil disobedience or in efforts to uncover the truth or who is disadvantaged at work due to their beliefs.
Hate breeds hate, tolerance breeds tolerance, love breeds love
Who we are and what we do
We are who and what we say we are. We are transparent and can show how we came to be where we are now. We are a loose network of campaigners that has grown up since January 2004. The network continues to grow rapidly. Autonomous local groups and clusters of campaigners have formed organically and work independently from the ‘centre’. The ‘centre’ is a nebulous and undefined group of key campaigners who have been involved in the campaign’s growth and continue to manage this website and key events. The ‘centre’ is currently represented by Ian Crane, Chair and Annie Machon, Secretary.
Further inquiries: 07986 616941
Last edited by Ian Neal September 13 2006
4.2 Committee and Constitution
A number of members have formed a committee and written a constitution for the Campaign (written and agreed earlier this year).
The people involved were:
- Ian Crane, Chair.
- Annie Machon, Secretary
Other members involved in the process are: Ian Neal, Noel Glynn, Belinda McKenzie, Alan Firminger, Michael Harries and David Shayler.
4.3 Local Groups
New local groups have sprung up in the last 18 months. Some of them have their own websites:
Location |
Website |
London |
– |
Blackpool |
– |
Cumbria |
Bristol |
Totnes |
Oxford |
Glasgow |
Skipton |
West Yorkshire |
Brighton |
There may be other local groups working independently of the UK forum.
4.4 Additional “Shop Window” Website
This will feature an agreed set of articles and links and is still currently under construction and discussion. A number of campaigners felt that the forum-based site is open to too much abuse (see section 8 for more information) and the content is not fixed enough. (See www.911truthcampaign… )
4.5 David Shayler and Annie Machon
Special mention must be given to our two most dedicated and itinerant campaigners who seem to have no compunction in travelling the length and breadth of the country (and to the USA in Annie Machon’s case) to talk about 9/11 Truth Issues. Most campaigners would agree that without their commitment, energy and the significant personal sacrifices they have both made, the UK Campaign would not be as vibrant nor as advanced as it now seems to be.