From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2007-08-06 16:39:11

Message   From AJ Gevaerd  THE BRAZILIAN UFO MAGAZINE OFFICE IS INVADED AND ROBBED: BANDITS WERE LOOKING FOR MORE THAN COMPUTERS AND EQUIPMENTS   Dear Mike and UFO Colleagues:   I am replying to all addresses of this message to inform to as many people as possible that the office of the Brazilian UFO Magazine was invaded and robbed last week. Bandits forced one door of the property at the night of July 30 and stole several computers, printers, equipments etc. The losses are higher than US$ 12,000 and unfortunately a large number of computer files will never be retrieved. We still haven’t been able to raise the necessary funds to recover from the robbery and 80% of our activities are paralyzed.   The Brazilian UFO Magazine office is located in an area on the city of Campo Grande considered reasonably safe, and the property, a rent house, was also considered secure. However, the thieves knew precisely what door to force and how to do so, because very little damage was caused to it. And presumably they also knew very well what they were looking for, because not only some specific computers, printers, equipments were stolen, but also, and very suspiciously, particular folders containing very important and sensitive information about several areas of Ufology in Brazil.   I cannot describe at this time the exact contents of the many folders taken, to avoid any interference in the investigations. I can only say that the folders taken were located next to many others that haven’t been touched, as they didn’t contain the same kind of information. The stolen folders covered specific aspects of some UFO-cult movements going on in Brazil, as well as they had still unreleased cases of military involvement with the UFO Phenomena in several areas of the country and other nations and South America, and they also covered our plans for the future of the campaign for UFO disclosure in Brazil.   Because of the very high strangeness of the MO demonstrated by the thieves, the police suspects, and so do we, that the invasion was a criminal act fully studied and meticulously planned. It implies that our activities have been closely watched for weeks and perhaps months prior to the invasion. We believe that the robbery was designed not only to cause a severe financial damage to our activities, by preventing us from publishing the Brazilian UFO Magazine for at least two months, as well as to damage us in other ways.   The Brazilian UFO Magazine is one of the oldest UFO publications still in activity in the world. It was founded in 1985 and was at it 135th edition. The magazine is monthly and circulates all over Brazil, Portugal, some places on Spain and in several countries of Latin American. As of this month of August an English version of it should be initiated in the USA, based in California. We also publish books, conferences and DVD documentaries.   Those friends in overseas in position to help the recovery of the Brazilian UFO Magazine are kindly asked to do so. Those of you interested in helping us may write to editor@ufo.com.br to obtain information as to what can be donated to the magazine. Any help if immensely welcome. You may spread the word.   Thanks for your attention!   A. J. Gevaerd editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine aj@gevaerd.com editor@ufo.com.br www.ufo.com.br   Photos of the robbery can be seen at: www.ufo.com.br   —– Original Message —– From: mike bird To: Atpbowen@aol.com Cc: ‘Victor Viggiani’ ; Alfred.Webre@gmail.c… ; gevaerd@ufo.com.br ; Lehmberg@snowhill.co… ; piktogramm@hotmail.c… ; ad.johnson@ntlworld…. ; Anndruffel@aol.com ; Anthony Miles ; artbell@mindspring.c… ; Arthur Bray ; anolde@gmx.de ; info@ufosocietyirela… ; bill_c@bigpond.com.a… ; Bill Ryan ; brumac@compuserve.co… ; Budd Hopkins (Home Fax; Charles ; Colin Andrews (Home Fax; danjm@danmillman.com ; DavidC@AllinOneFilms… ; info@davidicke.org ; a666333@yahoo.com ; domcall@att.net ; mitc1615@bellsouth.n… ; emilygreer@earthlink… ; erin@erindavis.com ; ernest V ; esens33@hotmail.com ; fadelbehman@sympatic… ; GARY HESELTINE ; Majorstar@aol.com ; haktanakdogan@sirius… ; ian.macarthur@rci.ro… ; baruss@uwo.ca ; jaimemaussanmx@yahoo… ; jr@rense.com ; jerrypippin@sbcgloba… ; deardorj@proaxis.com ; Joan Ocean ; boyne@hawaii.edu ; dickenl@comcast.net ; Consulate General of Cuba in Toronto ; info@blinddogfilms.c… ; marcdavenport@earthl… ; mgang@dowers.info ; Michael Ignatieff ; maillist@michaelmoor… ; drsalla@exopolitics…. ; chomsky@mit.edu ; cortazar@uneac.co.cu ; Odette Lind ; paolaharris@hotmail…. ; starrynightmovie@aol… ; Paul Hellyer ; Paul McKay ; director@ufocenter.c… ; pmarchand@thestar.ca ; Pierre Juneau ; Rebecca Hardcastle ; Charles@Recycles.Org ; keyhole@rochester.rr… ; Robert Miles ; ROBERT SHREWSBURY-GEE ; fisherman@ncf.ca ; rubenuriarte@sbcglob… ; rbuttignol@tvo.org ; schwann@webtrance.co… ; sergio@sergiolub.com ; Stephan Dion ; Stephen Bassett ; spaikin@tvontario.or… ; DrSGreer@cs.com ; tedddd@charter.net Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 11:50 PM Subject: RE: be prepared to respond to call for weapons in space Hello Cynthia,   thanks for your e-mail.  It raises several exopolitically important issues…   I hope that you don’t mind that I have cc’d a few of my associates in the exopolitical movement to my reply…   It has not always been the case that media has paid any attention to UFO’s and the larger truths.   If they are doing so lately, it is only because ufologists for decades and now exopolitists since Steven Greer’s May 2001 Disclosure Initiative have been encouraging them and others to wake up and be part of the solution to our planet’s moment of survival.   Trying to prevent the further weaponization of our planet and space is AS IMPORTANT as trying to prepare humanity for the truth that we are not alone.  Every human on our planet should be concerned and getting political about both the stoppage of war and the future of life on our planet.   There is no intent on my part to draw attention away from the USA’s & other country’s active war on Iraq and elsewhere.  This is a separate discussion point for which I believe that your current president and others should be charged with crimes against humanity.    They declared war on 2 nations without UN approval and committed troups without having been attacked by those nations.  Thousand of innocent troops and civillians have been killed by the initiatives of this one president, who was only given rule by two things; the failure of the American judicial system and the bankruptcy of the American dream.    It is now the time for people around the world to start to protest against the stupidity of governments that continue to enslave us, first economically and more importantly emotionally…   We live in a universe that is fully populated.  We will not be admitted as full participants in said universe until we come to our senses and acknowledge at a planetary level that people and the well being of our universe are more important than money.   Our planet can become a waystation for justice & peace in our quadrant of the universe, if enough of us find the courage to stop stupidity and make truth happen…    What made you contact Exopolitics Toronto?   Regards,   Mike. 905-830-1823 —–Original Message—–From: Atpbowen@aol.com [mailto:Atpbowen@aol.com] Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 12:29 PMTo: director@exopolitics…Subject: be prepared to respond to call for weapons in space Hi Mike,   I am hopeful that the media attention around UFOs has less to do with a justification for weapons in space and more to do with an intention/readiness to introduce advanced technology, which I support, even if part of the reason is to draw attention away from US (and others) misdeeds in Iraq and elsewhere.   Cynthia No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. 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