Investigator: Max Burns
Date: March 24th 1997
Time of Incident: 19.30 – 00.00
The incident occurred west of the City of Sheffield in Northern England. It is also known as “The Howden Moor Incident”
- Witnesses reported seeing a triangular UFO
- Witnesses reported seeing Jets and other aircraft soon after the UFO sighting
- News reports talked of an air crash, which was then later denied.
Max Burns comprehensive investigation reveals a story – and a cover up – which few seem to be aware of.
Also read his comprehensive article describing unsavoury events which happened as a result of his persistent investigation.
Click here to read his 11000 Word Article
PDF Version of the 11000 Word Article
Update – Mar 11 2009
- This map shows how the Centre of the NOTAM zone was at 53.43N, 1.75W – a point just next to the reservoir.
- This point will most likely have been determined from the crew’s GPS locators – built into their suits.
- However, the search teams were sent to Howden Moor – about 3-4 miles away – why? (It is not accessible by road).
- Note that the airman, smelling of aviation fuel was met on the A57 by Jonathan Daggenhart. This was a distance of about 4 – 5 miles along the reservoir road, as shown in blue on the map. He could’ve comfortably jogged this distance in 1 hour.
- (Added by Andrew Johnson after chatting with Max Burns – Daggenhart’s Location shown incorrectly on other maps)