In early January 2008, Dr Judy Wood contacted me to tell me she was asked by Mike Rudin of the BBC for a short telephone interview. Dr Wood contacted me to see if I knew anything about this fellow. He was the series producer of the "BBC Conspiracy Files" , which included a programme about 9/11 (Download here). A video rebuttal was produced, although this itself is somewhat out of date/flawed
Interesting exchange with Mike Rudin of the BBC
Subject: BBC documentary
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 11:30:03 -0000
Thread-Topic: BBC documentary
Thread-Index: AchR6c9UMSDfNuI2RNCARMyojP/YTw==
From: "Michael Rudin" <…>
To: <>
Dear Dr Wood
I am producing a BBC documentary about the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 and I would like to talk to you when you have a moment. Would you be available for a quick chat on the phone today and could you suggest the best number to get you on?
Many thanks
Mike Rudin
BBC Current Affairs
Work: 020 8752 7204 (direct line)
Room 1161, BBC White City, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TR
From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld….]
Sent: 08 January 2008 12:14
To: Michael Rudin
Subject: Interview with Dr Wood?
Dear Mr Rudin,
I am responding on behalf of Dr Wood, whom I have been working closely with for some time. Why are you contacting Dr Wood at this time?
At the end of this message, I have enclosed an e-mail I sent to you last year. If you re-read this, you will begin to understand why I have advised Dr Wood not to give you an interview. I do not trust you. You had an opportunity last year to display to the British Public the truth about 9/11 – instead, you and your organisation, made a documentary which portrayed Popular Mechanics as some kind of academic authority. You put out false information. You painted people like myself who are trying to get to the truth as some kind of "conspiracy theorist". You employed a silky-voiced narrator so that the people who wouldn’t bother to check the facts would swallow the morsels of disinformation without question.
What I wrote last year is now as true as ever. Or – maybe I am wrong? Perhaps you can produce some evidence that "things are different this time"? How about you arrange for Radio 2 news bulletins for a period of 24 hours to post an item, in a respectful manner, about the fact that Dr Judy Wood and Dr Morgan Reynolds have sued NIST for fraud over their NCSTAR reports:…Qui_Tam_Wood.html
When you have got this to happen, I will know you are sincere, so we can talk – OK?
Yours Sincerely,
Andrew Johnson
From: Andrew Johnson <ad.johnson@ntlworld….> To: <> Date: 15 Feb 2007 – 11:14a.m. |
(Note: Message Copied to Fellow UK Campaigners)
Dear Mr Rudin,
I am writing with regard to the broadcast of this programme. It is probably one of the most important broadcasts in recent years – maybe even ever. From where I am standing, due to the information sent repeatedly to the BBC over the last 2 years, the corporation’s credibility is very much at stake.
If you broadcast a fair and balanced discussion of the evidence, it may go some way to allowing historians to look more favourably on the BBC’s role. If it represents any kind of whitewash or debunking of the fact that 9/11 WAS an "Inside Job", history will not judge you or the people involved with your programme lightly.
Regardless, as campaigners, we will continue to reveal the truth about 9/11 to the British Public and I now personally regard the media as a controlled entity and one that is ducking its responsibility. It is therefore now MY responsibility to spend my own time and money to promulgate the truth about 9/11 being an Inside Job and I will, unless this programme changes things, continue to discuss my e-mail exchanges with BBC News Director Helen Boaden, who has blatantly ignored evidence and refused opportunities for us to present our evidence in some broadcast vehicle or other. This is now documented and will, if possible, be used to prosecute the BBC for a breach of its charter.
Thanks for reading, and I am hoping you realise the significance of the juncture at which you and the BBC stand.
Yours Sincerely,
Andrew Johnson
22 Mear Drive
DE72 3QW
Tel: 01332 674271
—–Original Message—–
From: Michael Rudin […]
Sent: 08 January 2008 12:34
Subject: RE: Interview with Dr Wood?
Dear Mr Johnson
As I explained in my email I am contacting Dr Wood now because I am producing a documentary about WTC 7 with the NIST report due out later this year.
I would like to talk to Dr Wood and it would be a shame if I cannot speak to her.
You sent you email of 15 February to the wrong email mike.rudin not michael.rudin and I did not receive it.
Best Wishes
Mike Rudin
BBC Current Affairs
From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld….]
Sent: 08 January 2008 12:51
To: Michael Rudin
Subject: RE: Interview with Dr Wood?
Dear Mr Rudin,
I am sure you received enough e-mails from various campaigners – and I may have even had word back that my e-mail was forwarded.
If can answer the points I made, then how can we proceed on a better footing. So, when I hear the broadcasts, then we can talk. How does that sound?
Yours Sincerely
Andrew Johnson
—–Original Message—–
From: Michael Rudin […]
Sent: 08 January 2008 13:04
Subject: speaking to Dr Wood
I am responsible for my documentary and it will accurate, fair and balanced like all the programmes I’ve produced. I cannot get BBC News to run a story if they don’t want to.
I would still like to speak to Dr Wood if it is possible. I would be grateful if you could put my request to Dr Wood.
Best Wishes
Mike Rudin
From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld….]
Sent: 08 January 2008 13:21
To: Michael Rudin
Subject: RE: speaking to Dr Wood
Dear Mr Rudin,
You haven’t answered my first question – why do you want to speak to Dr Wood at this particular time? Her research has been published for over 1 year.
Don’t you think the Qui Tam cases would be news worthy at all? I don’t buy this "editorial decision" stuff which has been fed to me robotically for the last 3 years. You and I both know the War On Terror is fake and 9/11 was an inside job. What will your new programme say? That NIST was right and WTC 7 collapsed due to fire? Will it ask popular mechanics to "verify" fires can cause a perfect collapse in 6.6 seconds?
You can see from Dr Wood’s site she asks an additional set of questions about WTC 7’s destruction that few if any other researchers are asking. My original statement still, therefore, stands. Can you understand a reluctance to grant an interview?
Isn’t it also interesting how the J7 group refused to co-operate with you about the 7/7 documentary you are planning. Can you guess the reason? Perhaps it’s similar to what I wrote in my earlier message?
Were you happy with your 9/11 Documentary last year? Do you think it was "fair and balanced" to contradict basic laws of physics?
So where did Towers 1 & 2 go, Mr Rudin – tell me your thoughts….
What happened to all the 500 miles length of steel, the glass, the computers, the cabling etc. How was it all turned into find dust?
Does it concern you that I have sent out hundreds of disks, leaflets and booklets that show people this evidence and ask this question? Does it concern you I plan to continue doing this until I hear Radio 2 news bulletin broadcasts like the ones I mentioned?
This is all bothers me greatly. Does it bother you?
Andrew Johnson
—–Original Message—–
From: Michael Rudin […]
Sent: 08 January 2008 14:01
Subject: RE: speaking to Dr Wood
I did answer your first question – I am making a documentary about the collapse of WTC 7 now and the NIST report on WTC 7 is due to be published later this year.
I don’t understand a reluctance to talk to someone trying to find out what happened.
Best Wishes
From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld….]
Sent: 08 January 2008 14:16
To: Michael Rudin
Subject: RE: speaking to Dr Wood
Dear Mr Rudin,
OK – so you answered my 1st question – in general terms. So, how long has this documentary been in production? What is its thrust? What is the name of the production company being used? Who else has been approached and who will appear in the documentary?
> I don’t understand a reluctance to talk to someone trying to find out what happened.
Let me spell it out for you:
1) Last year, the BBC 911 conspiracies documentary put out false information and by inference promoted a fake war on terror. (Same applies for 7/7).
2) The BBC won’t (and so far hasn’t) air any news stories or programmes which truthfully state what happened on 9/11. Richard Porter even claims "we’ve lost the tapes" of the event!!
3) Unless you can provide some evidence that you are going to "fight" your editors and make sure the BBC tells the truth about 9/11 (and the truth about the 2nd layer of the cover up), then we have tremendous concerns that your report/documentary will be false, flawed, mis-representative etc – pick an expression….
Now, would you want to be dealing with an organisation that has a track record like this in matters such as this?
Do you understand that you represent that organisation, by your e-mail address, and that’s why there is "a reluctance to talk to someone trying to find out what happened." Or is the "someone" refer to not you, and someone who is genuinely interested in ending the fake war on terror, bringing the true perpetrators to justice and disclosing that almost infinite almost free energy, instead of being used to solve the world’s problems, has been weaponised and used to destroy towers 1 & 2?
Is that any clearer at all?
Thanks for reading – I am getting on with some work now.
Andrew Johnson
—–Original Message—–
From: Michael Rudin […]
Sent: 08 January 2008 14:35
Subject: RE: speaking to Dr Wood
To be absolutely clear I am the person who wants to talk to Dr Wood. I am producing the documentary and I work for the BBC.
I remain keen to talk to Dr Wood.
—–Original Message—–
From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld….]
Sent: 08 January 2008 15:22
To: Michael Rudin
Subject: RE: speaking to Dr Wood
Dear Mr Rudin,
Thanks for the minor clarification.
> I remain keen to talk to Dr Wood.
I understand. However, we remain keen for you to produce some evidence and assurance that you will produce a fair documentary and make amends for the terrible damage that your 2007 documentary has caused in so many ways.
I will forward all this correspondence to Dr Wood, and if she feels any different, I am sure she is capable of letting you know in her own way.
We remain keen not to co-operate with organisations and individuals who knowingly promote and support a fake war on terror. (I take it that you do know the war on terror is fake, as you have not said you think the war on terror is genuine, nor have you provided any solid evidence to support this supposition.)
We are however, keen to talk to organisations who are willing to expose black technology, black budget programmes and their use in conjunction with sophisticated Psy-Op techniques in 9/11 and its aftermath. We are willing to co-operate with those programme makers who want to expose how brainwashing of the general population has taken place so that they (the public) believe they are under threat from an "invisible enemy" etc etc
Thanks for understanding,
Andrew Johnson