From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-04-18 14:26:44 The Starchild Skull held byLloyd Pye, Research Coordinator,The Starchild Project The Starchild Enigma Exploring the Evidence Please re-post on Blogs/Web forums etc by Author and International Speaker and Hominid Researcher Lloyd Pye As part of a short UK Tour, Lloyd Pye will be presenting a summary of his 10 years of research into an unusual skull which has been laboratory and DNA Tested. Why is the bone so much harder than human bone, but only 40% of the density? Why does the skull have no sinuses? What did the DNA tests reveal? Come and look at the evidence – and ponder the secrets that this important and extraordinary 900-year-old enigma may hold. Date/Time Doors Open 7pm for 7:30pm start, Thurs 25 June 2009 Venue: The Belgrave Rooms, 25 Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, NG1 5LB.Venue Tel: 0115 947 3829… On the tram route, a short distance from Nottingham Royal Centre. Entry: Tickets – £6, Send a cheque payable to Andrew Johnson, and SAE to 22 Mear Drive, Borrowash, Derbyshire, DE72 3QW or use PayPal at a cost of £7 (below). For further information, contact Andrew Johnson – Tel: 01332 674271, or e-mail: ad.johnson@ntlworld…. or visit Buy Tickets Using PayPal Other Dates on the Tour Date/Time Venue Contact 20th June 2009 Camden Centre next to Kings Cross/St Pancras station… Belinda McKenzie (b.mckenzie@btinterne… ) 27th June 2009 Leeds Metropolitan University, Part of Exopolitics UK Conference, www.exopolitics-leed… Anthony Beckett (anthony.m.beckett@go…) Are you interested in what’s really going on in the world, behind the facade? Then…www.checktheevidence… happened on 9/11?