Re: FW: Vitamin C Can Cure

From: Rita Westley

Date: 2010-09-15 17:44:46

#ygrps-yiv-1627276429 v0003a* { } #ygrps-yiv-1627276429 v0003a* { } I just got some MMS, a little afraid to start taking it, Can you contact me Craig?  Please, thanks Rita   ——-Original Message——-   From: Andrew Johnson Date: 09/15/10 17:38:40 To: Andrew Johnson Subject: [Cognoscence] FW: Vitamin C Can Cure      From: Craig Sent: 15 September 2010 13:58To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Re: Vitamin C Can Cure Hi Andrew, My mother brought into Linus Pauling’s research in the 50s and 60s, so I grew up taking Vit C, plus B complex syrups. In high school I ran 400 meters in 49 seconds, a record that stood at my school for 15 years….. I recommend Food State Vitamin C, very easy to assimilate in the body: We’ve been taking this for years, and get very few colds or ‘flu. Great for the kids, too. I supplement with Colloidal Silver spray in their mouths during school term, when the kids get exposed to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Zinc helps Vit C absorption and Vitamin D also is good during the winter to keep the immune system boosted. Organic Fish Oil (Omega 3-6-9) is good for brain development. Craig PS MMS also has anti-candida properties    

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