From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-02-10 09:07:56
See below…. From: Guy Sent: 09 February 2011 21:38To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Jerusalem UFO authenticity? Hi Andrew, I am not sure wether you have come across this but I received this from another pal which now seems to back the validity of the Jerusalem UFO report! The below CGI expert disagrees. Larry Robinson uses circular reasoning to debunk the Jerusalem video, not good science in any body’s opinion….Rmc02/6/2011 2:40 PM: Tony R wrote: Bob, You’re right. I am a CGI expert and my company digital RGB does video and imaging compositing in every area imaginable. The thing I noticed about the video is that the camera isn’t CG…it’s an actual camcorder in my opinion. It’s almost impossible without hours and even days of work to get that type of camera shake. I can get it extremely close, but unable to get exact…nothing like the real thing. I tried it with After Effects and used a math equation to generate the shake…it’s not possible without literally going frame by frame. I would estimate about 85 to over 100 hours of work to produce this. So my question is why…especially for so little pay off. It doesn’t add up. Also, the second angle is the part that really gets me…i’ve put the two side by side on a professional editing system and they time frames are identical…that is possible to generate in CGI but once again….WHY? Also, I believe the audio to be original with the recording. It changes in small amounts due to the camera movement. That can’t be faked…that is virtually impossible and most movie editors can’t create that realism. Also, I looked at the videos that want to debunk it and it’s just for getting subscribers…that all…they wouldn’t believe a UFO if they were beamed aboard I think. Anyway…if you want to see any of the composite work I do, you can use this link….… and here is another for my other company which is a construction company….I give clients a rendered image of their job before it’s complete. Keep in mind these are for potential clients, so the renders are not 100% realistic due to the effort and time it takes to get an image like that, but it’s certainly close and realistic.…