From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-08-22 22:16:56
Regarding this video clip:… An astute/observant reader wrote to me stating she thought they were balloons. At first, I wasn’t so sure she was right, but on further inspection, as she pointed out, it appears you can see something resembling string dangling down: See points in the video at 0:261:03 – 1:131:362:16 (there’s one)3:26 also swinging. Though I am a little surprised the camera can resolve the strings, if they are bunched, I suppose it’s possible. Maybe the Guadalajara ones were also balloons, but this is a newer/better definition camera. If they are balloons, I suspect they may have got caught in a thermal updraft. Also, on the audio (which I didn’t hear at first as I either had my sound on low or off), he says they were different colours when he first saw them…