From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2013-03-21 10:55:37
Is available from Amazon for only £10 in the UK:… The first review is pretty accurate! 11 of 11 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars An investigation into the world of the paranormal par excellence9 May 2010 By GJ Format:DVD I have just re-watched this series for the first time in 30 years, and I am really impressed by how well it has stood the test of time. I have found it to be just as illuminating, fascinating and mysterious now as it was when I first saw it as a teenager. It reminds me of how much better the quality of production and presentation of TV documentaries was back in the 70s and 80s compared to now. If something like this was made today, you’d bet your life that it’d be presented by a former soap actor or reality TV ‘star’, they’d over sensationalise everything, ridicule or sneer at the witnesses and evidence, you’d get so-called experts debunking everything (‘it never happened’, ‘it’s a hallucination’, ‘it’s a fake’…etc.,etc.,etc.,) and you’d have phone-ins asking for your own opinion. Horrible.Arthur C Clarke does not sneer or ridicule in any way and never doubts the witnesses. He examines the evidence in a calm and logical way. Witnesses are interviewed straightforwardly without any gimmicks. He then presents his own view of what might be happening, which again is clear and logical. And if he has no explanation he says so. This is how it should be. If only they made them like this now.Brilliant.