Date: 2014-04-08 17:48:32
Hi Ben. It’s all fishier than a fish’s fishy bits! I agree with your earlier point; namely that there are far easier ways to obtain a Boeing 777. ‘They’ could just get one from stock. However, if you were to put yourself in the position of a ‘false-flag terror planner’ your mental dialogue would be along the lines of ‘OK, we need 2 things for our plan to succeed: – No. 1, a plane, No.2 a narrative, involving a terror plot, that the public can easily digest and that the media can spin at length.’ When we look at 9/11, the Bin Laden bogeyman had been around for years prior to the event. Therefore, it was relatively easy for the media machine to ‘sell’ Bin Laden to us as the evil mastermind. If there is going to be another terror event (make that ‘when”) it’ll be far easier for the perps to achieve success if they already had a ‘cut and paste’ back story to roll out. And this is what I believe we’re getting at the moment. People will react and say ‘Oh, so it was THAT plane that was used to attack Israel. You know, the one that was never found’. ‘They’ can’t just use any old plane and make their story ‘stick’, within an instant, as it must do, and as it did on 9/11The longer the media keep coming up with false leads, the longer this becomes embedded in the public mind, and therefore, the more potent an emotional trigger that can be pulled ‘on the day’ On Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 14:41, “benthejrporter@hotma…”