QEG Worldwide Weekly Update 5/19/14 – OverUnity Achieved!

From: garyv_va

Date: 2014-05-19 17:52:41

May 19, 2014 Apologies for the absence the past week. Many things going on behind the scenes in life and getting ready for some pretty big things personally in the next few weeks, lets say it is going to be quite busy!! Aouchtam Village, Morroco On Saturday May 17th, Jamie and helper Dave recorded the following video. This video shows the QEG producing approximately 1900 Watts with an input to power the motor at about 655 Watts. That is a production in excess of 1,200 Watts taking into account the power to keep the motor going. The wait for achieving Over Unity is now over! The nonchalance of Jamie’s demeanor is fun to watch, kinda like ‘yeah so what, how to get to 10kw?’ That is dedication Thanks to all involved for getting everything this far! While this is not a self running machine just yet, this breakthrough shows it is possible to produce more energy than one puts into the QEG, ending the wait for proof that the QEG can indeed do as ‘advertised’. Congrats to Jamie and team in Morocco for getting the QEG to this point! There will be a good release of data and information regarding the steps/procedure to get to this point, also an updated manual, test results, and more videos to be released soon, no time tables on this but I am assuming as soon as possible as this is the big breakthrough which allows many people to jump on board the QEG train from the skeptic platform. With internet still a real sought after commodity in Morocco it is important to remember this data will make its way to all of us, just might take a little longer as they simply cannot click send A great writeup giving some details of on the ground in Morocco regarding the quest to[Contact Me Ref-2]by Dave Starbuck can be found here. At the very end of his post he has this statement, “Breaking News: Hot off the press!!! I just spoke to Jamie and he mentioned that he has now achieved 3kW output, that’s six times over unity!” QEG Worldwide Weekly Update 5/19/14 – OverUnity Achieved!QEG Overunity QEG Overunity Description View on www.youtube.com Preview by Yahoo   QEG Worldwide Weekly Update 5/19/14 – OverUnit… Apologies for the absence the past week.  Many things going on behind the scenes in life and getting ready for some pretty big things personally in the next few wee… View on www.alittlesenough… Preview by Yahoo

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