The 13th Anniversary


Date: 2014-09-11 00:43:47

Dear All,I just wanted to take a minute to say a few words of heart-felt thanks to all the contributers within the group who have done so much within their own particular spheres of influence, to raise awareness of the true story of the events of September 11th 2001.I would like to add my own personal thanks to Andrew and Ben. Andrew, you helped me to make sense of the mess of evidence presented 8 years ago and are a rock. Your website is a tour-de-force of truth. It is Ground Zero.Ben, you are inspirational in your strong voice in the face of adversity in so many topics. The HPANWO ‘flag’ flies high and proud and I will continue to salute!We all keep the events of 9/11 in our thoughts on a daily basis.In my brighter moments, I think we are making progress. Tonight, I received a comment on a forum of fellow professionals where I have been keeping the real 9/11 truth flame flickering, (with ADJ’s assistance) for the past 12 months. I have posted nothing but evidence-based data and politely requested debate from my colleagues on all points. Few have wished to debate the evidence.The comment read simply, “Neil, get help, seriously”Naturally I flagged it and will get it removed, but it depressed me, as the poster was 44 yrs old, highly educated and frankly should have been able to make a constructive argument.We are 13 years on, and some are still completely ignoring the facts!It just served to show that despite the passage of time, some people, no matter how well-educated in scientific debate, well-published in peer-reviewed scientific papers and logical argument refuse to even engage with legitimate questions regarding an event that occurred in full view. In love, peace and respectNeil

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