Re: David Noakes Shut Down

From: jon_devlin

Date: 2015-04-10 11:44:19

Hey Ben, I recommend listening to Deanna Spingola’s Radio Archive 9th April. She (well I think she is amazing in her information giving and research). Its interesting in that her latest Book “Screening Sandyhook” goes into the who Health Industry and she takes you through the 19th Century bullet points mostly around the Rockefeller funding of Education, health (or rather ill-health), War etc not just in the US but all around the world. That, would not have excluded Britain and along comes a 1939 Cancer Act to essentially outlaw the actual treatment of their own created Cancers and all those that would be in the pipe-line thereafter….. The rest is history and it doesn’t matter who comes along with a cure for their diseases, they have the legal system to protect their racket and all those that dare to get in the way.The Truth does not need protection by LawsSpingola Speaks Spingola Speaks Truth does not fear investigation! View on Preview by Yahoo 1939 Cancer Act  –  It’s no coincidence that whist one country was in the throws of an unprecedented economic recovery and national unity. The rest of the ******** Allies where getting ready for the Medical Industry to prepare to legally slaughter its world populations through their poisons and Modern medical practices, that up to this point in human existence hadn’t been needed (despite the lies of the vaccination lobby)….“Prohibition of certain advertisements(1)No person shall take any part in the publication of any advertisement—(a)containing an offer to treat any person for cancer, or to prescribe any remedy therefor, or to give any advice in connection with the treatment thereof; or(b)referring to any article, or articles of any description, in terms which are calculated to lead to the use of that article, or articles of that description, in the treatment of cancer.(2)If any person contravenes any of the provisions of the foregoing subsection, he shall be liable on summary conviction, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, and, in the case of a subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such a fine and such imprisonment.”

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