From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2016-03-26 11:00:56
I have derived this article from the presentation I put together – it’s quite long (about 10,000 words) Uncommon Purpose – Agenda 22 Andrew Johnson – ad.johnson@ntlworld…. Mar 2016Introduction In this long article, I will try to bring together quite a few threads of research to illustrate how various methods have been used to cajole and goad people into a certain way of thinking about the future of urbanised/industry-based civilisation. Whilst it might seem like I am disagreeing with the idea of having a more peaceful, equitable world where resources of all kinds are used responsibly, this is not the case. I am questioning the entire basis on which it is claimed that we would achieve such a state. This is because I now know and can prove the falsity of most or all the main assumptions which underlie what the “ruling consensus” wants to promote. The Purpose / Goal of this Article The purpose of this article is to contribute to a reversal of something called Agenda 21 (you will find out what this is in reading this article). I hope that by the 22nd century, all humans will be free and sovereign. I hope there will be no slavery and no exploitation and that all people will have access to responsible use of free energy, cheap non-toxic health treatments and even star travel, if they wish. I hope there will be no advantage for anyone believing a particular set of ideas and that they will be free to believe or not believe what they like, with no penalties or restrictions. I hope they will understand the difference between belief and knowledge. I hope that no group will be able to influence beliefs for their own gain and that no group or individual will be controlled by any other, unless they wish to be controlled. I hope to see self-determination in a way not seen on Earth before. So let me say that I have an agenda – let’s call it “Agenda 22” (an interesting number, if ever there was one…). It is to expose the basis of lies and incomplete evidence on which Agenda 21 – and similar programs are based. This exposition is a very slow process – so perhaps my agenda will take more than 100 years to implement. It might be complete by the 22nd Century, but that depends on you, dear reader and whether you would like to invest the time in reviewing any of the links and information herein… Read more here: www.checktheevidence…