From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-30 10:17:41 From this video:  we see what was written up by this guy in 2008. He became one of Obama’s advisors. I think page 13 and 14 of this:   (as highlighted in the video) seem to describe what has…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-29 19:55:24 I picked this up from a “Secure team” video  Have a look at this image:  Posted on/in this page:  Date is/was: July 17, 2015  Goto this page:  Paste in the first URL on this page (NASA’s own image)…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-29 10:27:09 Attachments :This article was written in July 2015, for GlobalBEM’s “Pulse” Magazine, but it has only just been published in the magazine, as their latest conference has just taken place. Obviously, feel free to share and re-post!!  Understanding the Cover…

This article was written in July 2015, for GlobalBEM’s "Pulse" Magazine, but it has only just been published in the magazine, as their latest conference has just taken place. Andrew Johnson ad.johnson@ntlworld…. 19 July 2015   In November 2012, I was honoured to be invited to…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-19 08:53:47 For anyone in Northern France – and later on, as this will be recorded and on YouTube. I won’t be there in person – it’s done over Skype – a great idea by Mark Grey  For those not on FB…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-18 08:17:28 Ever heard about the Pyramids in Tenerife and Sicily (around mount Etna)? Well, neither had I!  and this is about 5 years old… Lots more info on the website….    

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-16 21:00:40 New post from Dr Morgan Reynolds… (pasted below)  A certain Steve De’Ak wanted to do something similar, a few years back – for those not familiar with him, you might to check this out…  On Flying a Jetliner into…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2016-05-13 16:39:19 Attachments :www.theeventchronicl… is a very interesting post in that the photos look too good to be true – but the explanation for why they are good is given – it discusses the equipment used to take the photos – and this…