Therapists for Medical Freedom
Please pass this on to those in the profession (and elsewhere!)
Therapists for Medical Freedom (TMF) is a collective of Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists and associated therapeutic professionals.
We are deeply concerned about the growing use of medical coercion and the loss of civil liberties as part of the international response to managing COVID-19.
We also believe that, as psychological therapists, it is now our ethical duty to stand up for the emotional health of the population. We are challenging the restrictions and psychological fear campaigns, as these are disproportionately harming the most vulnerable in our society.
To: All UK Governments and Policy Makers
7th September, 2021
We write as a group of counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists who are in clinical practice in the United Kingdom.
As a group of mental health and wellbeing professionals, we have grave concerns about government proposals for ‘Vaccine Passports’, which have also been referred to as “COVID-Status Certificates” and “COVID Passes”. We ask that you immediately halt their implementation for domestic use in the United Kingdom.
International Criminal Court Complaint Filed
The video about this is quite honest and practical – and I am glad this has been done.
A complaint has now been filed with the International Criminal Court on behalf of the peoples of the UK, alleging crimes committed by UK government officials and international world leaders of various violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK. Mark Sexton Johnny Mac
Activism Oriented Website “Vaccine Police”
The title of this site seems ambiguous to me – it seems to be oriented around policing unlawful use of the “vaccine” rather policing those who won’t or haven’t accepted it.
Drip, Drip, Drip… Another One Red Pilled.
Only about 3 mins long
I Am Not Misinformation – Video… (94 mins)
New Brunswick – No Jab No Food – The PEOPLE have had enough!
Still 1 or 2 wearing masks!
A Bit More Information on Pilot Deaths
It seems there is a serious safety issue, though it’s obviously a good idea to try and get as much data as possible.
The Dead Pilots Club Flies West
A friend sent me this screenshot of a list of dead pilots in 2019-2021, but the 2021 list appears the most complete, with the first 9 months seemingly accounted for.
I randomly selected 3 names from the list and verified the deaths. They all appear to be Americans. I found that this list is posted in Air Line Pilot Association magazine. You must be an ALPA member to subscribe.
I found two other lists from different years with, apparently, all 12 months represented.
Here’s a 2003 list with 29 dead pilots in 12 months:…
Here’s a 2013 list, with 28 dead pilots in 12 months, in the black image on the magazine page:…
On the 2021 list, there’s 108 names in NINE months and it looks like the page is cut off at the top.
Imagine being a subscriber looking at the 2021 list. My passenger days are over.
“The ‘Pandemic’ Will End When The Digital Monetary System Is In Place”
Nano Routers/Antennae in the Jabs?
It’s difficult to understand what these might do or how they might work, but this is worth looking at:
Looks like bow-tie antennas
Deliberate Obfuscation?
This page seems to be an MHRA response about Jab safety. It is poorly formatted and it is difficult to determine what is part of the original letter and what is part of the response (this could be deliberate obfuscation). The summary seems to be “move along, nothing to see here! A few serious illnesses and deaths don’t matter!” There is no real admission there – except that they’ve received and read a letter from someone (and denied there is any real problem).
“Jesus… What Happened To Us?” by Five Times August (Song)
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