In the last year or 2, there has been talk of increasing volume about the “Grand Solar Minimum” (GSM) – a term used to describe a low level of activity on the disk of the sun. For centuries, now, people with telescopes have been able…
Category: Chemtrails & Climate
Thanks to John for this interesting article. There are some interesting connections here – although as is usually the case, Frances Leader (the author) hasn’t got the full picture yet. For example, she mentions she was interviewed by Richie Allen, who is himself acting as…
This video – by “5G Awareness” (not me) – links what I and others have written about Agenda 21 to 5G, Smart Cities etc and… XR I think this is just the next stage of what I wrote about in my CCGW book…
At least one person couldn’t listen to the interview on the Website – so here’s a YouTube version that someone we know kindly posted!… Thanks to that person! 🙂
It’s amazing how you can “miss” something so clear. In the David Percy/Mary Bennett Dark Moon/What Happened on the Moon book / documentary, they include reference to a 1958 speech by future usurping president Lyndon B Johnson. The relevant parts are reproduced below in…
As you may know, we have had a warm/hot dry weather in the UK for about a month now. We have had no rain (at least not here in the Midlands where I live). This is very unusual. A chap called Stephen sent me a…
The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the “default topic” of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching…
At the "UFO Truth" Conference in Watford on 29 April 2017, a very kind gentleman gave me a copy of a book simply called "Clouds" by C.J.P. Cave published in 1943 by Cambridge University Press. The reason he gave me this is because it has,…
Andrew Johnson – ad.johnson@ntlworld…. Mar 2016 Based on this presentation: www.checktheevidence… Introduction In this long article, I will try to bring together quite a few threads of research to illustrate how various methods have been used to cajole and goad people into a…
Please see updated and expanded research on this page This is essentially an updated version of the presentation called "Skylines and Cloudbusters" that I first put together in 2006. I cover: Chemtrails – Evidence “hidden” in plain view Aircraft Traffic / Trails – Investigation by Andrew…