August 2013 / August 2012 I was recently contacted by someone who took a photo of an extremely odd aircraft trail they saw in Dorking, UK on 04 Aug 2013. I sent this photo around to my e-mail list and someone else responded saying they…

These are seen on images from the UK Met Office
10 Sep 2010 – 04:00 to 16:00 UTC
Originally From: 
  • EIEB51 MSG 10.8 Micron IR
  • Watch to the Wast of France…
  • Why are there criss-cross patterns in the Clouds?
  • Thanks to Phil Morris for sending me the link…
(The video below includes a few other weather anomalies too… just to make it longer than 30 seconds…)
Click images for full size versions:
[foldergallery folder="wp-content/uploads/foldergalleries/UKWeather10Sep2010" title="Gallery"]

For a DVD, contact me. [… In this presentation, we shall look at: Weather Modification Research Wilhelm Reich & Orgone Energy Cloudbusters The HAARP Project and its possible purpose Chemtrails – Evidence “hidden” in plain view The Evidence For Weather Modification in Action Legislation which…

Programme 1 How Royal Enfield workers in an underground factory at Westwood Quarry were repeatedly exposed to an opportunistic pathogen in the early 1950s; How members of the public travelling on a regular railway train on the Salisbury-Exeter line were sprayed with live bacteria by…

This special program of the show "BEST EVIDENCE" was broadcast in Canada on August 10th, 2007. It looks at the evidence that jet fuel of  commercial and military aircrafts contain secret experimental additives, such as aluminum oxide, for weather modification purposes. Rosalind Peterson is prominently featured…