NIST files Prof Judy’s Wood 2nd NIST RFC Supplement, but not (appa

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2007-05-15 00:37:00

NIST has posted to its website Judy Wood’s RFC Supplement # 2.…  The second supplement  references the False Claims Act, under which Qui Tam lawsuits can be filed, under seal. The supplement includes the verbatim text of the Statement of EMT Patricia Ondrovic, who personally witnessed cars exploding and who saw unidentified flying objects and who knew, full well, that she was witnessing what she called a “military operation.”   See heavily redacted pg 13 of Ondrovic’s statement, Exhibit A of Supplement #2. Patricia’s statement is noteworthy because it is heavily redacted in an area where she was seemingly describing the destructive effects then taking place, which she knew and stated to be military.Supplement #2 further refers to the fact that several witness statements are redacted, like Ondrovic’s, and that NIST needs to take into consideration the full content of the redacted statements, the failure of which simply confirms Wood’s claims of fraud.The Supplement also makes the point that the content of the statements flatly contradict NIST’s phony NCSTAR 1 report.Posting of portions of or otherwise referencing Supplement #2 in discussion forums is encouraged.  It runs 28 pages because much of it includes the verbatim statement of EMT Patricia Ondrovic.  When mentioning Ondrovic, it is also important to mention that Killtown did a follow-up interview with Ms. Ondrovic and may still maintain contact with her.  This is an excellent contact for the truth movement to have.See:… Judy’s Supplement #2 was filed after the public announcement of the RFC filing signed by Dr. Jones and others.  Yet, the website still does not contain any reference to the Jones RFC.     

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