From: Clive Denton
Date: 2007-09-28 20:20:03
Well it wont be long until scenes like these will be seen in British school and colleges especially as now teachers have the right to hold, detain or remove unruly pupils with reasonable force. Also recent laws pasted in the UK mean that parents can no longer show any form of aggression towards teachers even if their Childs arms are broken. Don’t worry schools are not prisons they are places for learning, or are they???? Have a great day at school kids!!! Click here to see the video:… ******************************************** School Guards Break Child’s Arm And Arrest Her For Dropping Cake
Pandemic of police and security violence continues unabated Steve WatsonInfowars.netFriday, Sept 28, 2007 School security guards in Palmdale, CA have been caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old girl and breaking her arm after she spilled some cake during lunch and left some crumbs on the floor after cleaning it up. The incident occurred last week at Knight High School in Palmdale and was caught on a cell phone camera by another pupil who was then also assaulted by the security guards. www.infowars .net/articles/ september2007/ 280907Cake. htm ********************************* Human Rights???? What Right’s???? Clive 🙂