Re: UFOs

From: Gil Williamson

Date: 2008-08-11 01:45:30

Graham, You pose so many searching questions to which I do not have the answers. Could I suggest when you have your next encounter with the Interdimentional Beings, that you ask them these questions, as they should be able to provide answers.   The morphing craft are certainly a puzzle, it must be some kind of display, look at what we can do etc.   Your comments about Alien forms, things need not be that different from our conceptions. If you have an appreciation of the Cosmic Order, there are certain things that are common throughout the Galaxy and the Universe, for example the Humanoid form. In Galactic terms our conventional scientific knowledge is very limited and very primitive. We are only just beginning to delve into the realms of Inter Dimentional shifting and the sources of free energy that are available throughout space. The interstellar motherships that have been observed by humans on earth, conform to shapes that would be sympathetic with some of our current thinking. They don’t necessarily have to be completely “Alien”.   I think ultimately, it will be proven that we were seeded here on Earth and that we originally came from the stars anyway!  We’re just a little ol experiment for them !!   —– Original Message —– From: shivakrsna To: Cognoscence@yahoogro… Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:14 PM Subject: [Cognoscence] Re: UFOs The Rockefeller Illuminati are responsible for most of the UFO researchOrganizations & conferences . The Treaty isnt documented it maybe trueit may not . The Greys are in my opinion absurd. From what I have readthey are Aliens from Zeta Reticuli but they are really from Earth . Theyare Cyborgs , Robots, Automotons and part of a large species of interdimensional beings. I have also read they live underground on Earthon the Moon and on Mars. They brerak the treaties lie a lot and cant betrusted .In which case they would never need a treaty as clearly theycan do as they wish . Why dont they mutilate cattle in India which hasbillions of cattle ? Why not the UK which has mad cow disease ?Very fewcases occur outside of the Americas . Why are 90% of abductions in theUSA and not the Orkneys , The Falklands or Pitcairn Island where thaycould take who they wished with little chance of obstruction ordiscovery ? Less than 1% of abductions are black only 7 reported casesof Asians and about 90% are white women mostly in the Deep South of theUSA . Sounds to me like a Nazi USA military op. Why dont these Greysabducted large numbers of British or Germans or Egyptians ?The UFO phenomena began in 1947 when a a pilot saw a formation , amilitary formation of ” flying Saucers “. This pilot was a former USmilitary Intel Officer. Thats a big hint. Virtually all sighgtingsoccured in the USA and the Americas . These are Vril Haunebu from theUSA , Brazil, Antarctica and Chile . Britain & the USSR also developedflying discs from captured Nazi prototypes. Those account for most ofthe sigtings in the 1950s accross Europe.I believe Alien vehicles would be very very Alien ! Not conforming toour ideas of shapes or Craft. I see Triangles which change to blobs thenCylinders then Diamonds . Basically any shape or form they wish to be .They have no form or shape or structure. That is Alien. Metalic discsare not . The Orbs are most likely not of human construction. I dontknow where they come from. Same with the Rods.I am interested to know why the Greys abduct so many White Women fromthe South of the USA. Why not Iceland or Tahiti etc ? Are the Greysracist ? If they can build inter dimensional intergalactic craft why dothey abduct people and harvest them for glandular secretions ?It is obvious they have the technology to Genetically engineer anypharmacological products they may need. It is absurd to assume thatbeings travel accross Galaxies to mutilate the Anus of a Cow or theGlands or Eggs of women from Alabama ,Texas or Arizona etc . They couldand would produce very efficently any DNA Aumentations and could removebillions of eggs and sperm from just a few people without the need toreturn again and again to harvest yet more from American citizens. TheGreys could also farm humans as we do cattle or sheep . Yet the Greysabduct 4 million Americans often near military bases . Seems prettyobvious these Greys dont like Japanese , French or Sri Lankan glandularsecretions !! Why are the Americans so tasty ? !!

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