Date: 2009-04-07 16:37:25
See Michael Salla’s new book : Exposing US … In a message dated 4/7/2009 5:21:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ad.johnson@ntlworld…. writes: —–Original Message—–From: Sent: 07 April 2009 02:34To: Subject: Art Campbell is interviewed about the alleged Eisenhower visit to Holloman AFB UFO researcher Art Campbell is interviewed about the alleged Eisenhower visit to Holloman AFB on Feb. 9, 1955 (You can hear tapes of some very credible sounding witnesses he found that were willing to come forward – one saw a saucer land on the runway, one saw second one in the air and another claims he saw Eisenhower enter the disc on the runway and stayed for about 45 minutes. Campbell’s online book has some interesting photos of Eisenhower and Air Force One, in those days a C-121 Constellation, commonly known as a connie.) The Audio – about one hour, but worth it. www.ipodshow 20Eisenhower% 20%20Pj.% 20(6-23-08) .mp3 Source: www.ipodshow _ET_Art_Campbell .htm (For more info click on the ufo case book link.) My “dark” moment in a connie cargo bay! When I arrived at Charleston AFB, South Carolina in the fall of 1962 I thought I would be working on the new C-130E cargo planes. But as of September they hadn’t arrived yet. So for a few months we were helping out with the old connies. One night I was walking through the cargo bay – it was dark in there – and I didn’t notice that someone had left a floor door open. Yes, I fell in and gashed my right leg open below the knee and had to be taken to the base hospital. Needless to say I was sure glad to see the new C-130’s come in as they didn’t have those damn floor doors! – Dan. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!