From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-02-09 13:24:21
#ygrps-yiv-49744594 DIV { MARGIN:0px;} From: john hutchison [] Sent: 09 February 2011 05:10To: undisclosed recipients:Subject: Fw: Letter robert gave permission to forward this letter cheers john TONS OF JUNK HERE hutchisoneffect2008…. ALL LINKS ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FRONT PAGE… ANALYTICAL CHEMICAL TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Consulting Chemists, Scientists, & Engineers January 27, 2011 To: US CUSTOMS & U.S. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION And/or any other party: Reference: Mr. John Hutchison- Frequency Exposure Affects BP Oil Spill ________________________________________________________________________________ Analytical Chemical Laboratory, Inc. (ACT) has completed the analysis of water samples and sediment samples from many instances where John Hutchison has implemented the use of an Interferometer to send frequencies into oil affected bodies of water. Generally speaking, his work has had a very positive affect on numerous bodies of water and affected areas. ACT Lab technical staff has personally witnessed clean, green water bodies as a result of his efforts. ACT has documented the affect his treatment has had on these water bodies which include Perdido Bay , Dauphin Island , Cotton Bayou, and Indian Pass. I would plead with anyone concerned about the situation in the Gulf of Mexico , to allow him to continue his work to restore the Gulf to pre-spill conditions. He has undertaken this task with little help from Government entities, and ACT Lab has given full support with analytical testing to help document his results, and the great success he is having with the frequency treatments. The task he is undertaking is immense and he needs to be allowed to use his technology for the betterment of the entire Gulf of Mexico . While very complicated, his technology seems to be the only attempt known of its kind to help restore Oil/dispersant- affected water-bodies. He must be allowed to continue this work. Based on testing performed from samples received, his frequency exposure resulted in the complete removal of Oil and Grease from the after treatment sample source tested in Perdido Bay, and great reductions in Cotton Bayou, Dauphin Island, and Indian Pass. ACT recommends that doubters investigate this process further to determine large-scale capabilities in cleaning water bodies and areas affected by the dissolved oil/dispersant in water. This applied Frequency Exposure process may have extreme value in the removal of petroleum contamination from a large body of water. It is the opinion of this analyst that the persons involved with this process could have a very serious positive effect on the removal of hydrocarbon contamination from bodies of water. These individuals should be allowed to remain in this country to offer their services to State and Federal Agencies, and Municipalities. I would like to recommend that interested parties be open-minded to their capabilities because some petroleum contamination likely exists in all Gulf of Mexico water sources/bodies. Because this process has proven to be capable of petroleum clean-up, it should be given an opportunity to be showcased to any interested party, including The US Federal Government, US EPA, Homeland Security, as well as BP and any other interested State Environmental Agencies. The process has been proven to be an excellent manner to approach the petroleum-contaminated water columns that are currently present in the Gulf of Mexico . It is clear that all water bodies have been affected by the dissolved hydrocarbons. Solutions to this condition have not been presented as of the date of this writing. It is not clear what the impact of dissolved hydrocarbons in Gulf waters will mean. The treatment process John is using may help develop a clean-up plan that can reach a large-scale area. The best and easiest-to-see example of water column contamination can be found in the lack of the existence of pole-mounted barnacles. These barnacles have become non-existent in every affected water-body seen by the undersigned, in the last several months. While the technology is not completely understood by many non-physicists, it has been investigated by the undersigned, and he has been given positive feedback from technical persons, colleagues, and other scientists, including the undersigned, and it is clear that the process has extreme value. It should be given a chance to be presented and tested on a large scale basis. At this point the undersigned is not aware of any entity that has attempted to undertake the biggest remaining problem that currently exists in the Gulf of Mexico , which is water column contamination by dissolved petroleum due to dispersant use in the Deepwater Horizon Spill. A laboratory (The Subra Company) has presented alarming data on the high presence of Oil-based hydrocarbons and Polynucleated Aromatic Hydrocarbons( PAH’s)… from 2,000 ppm to >10,000 p.p.m. …found to be present in shellfish and finned fish. ACT is conducting similar tests as well. Your decision should be clear…allow John Hutchinson’s work to continue. He may be our only hope. This situation cannot be corrected by Mother Nature. It’s too much to ask. Once Southern winds start blowing submerged hydrocarbons to shore…and it will happen…his technology may become more necessary than ever. I would be pleased to discuss his technology with anyone. We appreciate this opportunity to submit this information. If there are any questions, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, ANALYTICAL CHEMICAL TESTING LABORATORY, INC. State of AL Certified Engineering Co. #CA-1936-E Robert M. Naman, President, Analytical Chemist E-Mail: Fellow, American Institute of Chemists, Reg. 15488 RMN/lcb