From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2012-04-02 14:55:42
Someone sent me this – again – let’s be alert – they may try and do something in a “ritual” sense – i.e. not actually a physical bomb attack with large amounts of damage – it may work more on a subconscious level or something. But be aware of manipulation – as usual. From: Sent: 02 April 2012 14:32To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Re: 2012 Zion Olympics in London Coincide with Tisha B’Av – Commemoration of the Destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem Andrew,have you seen this clip from Spooks: Code 9? It was a spin-off from Spooks, which is a programme about the intelligence agencies in which the building used for the MI5 headquarters is the United Grand Lodge of freemasonry on Great Queen Street.Predictive Programming – Attack on London in 2012? –… clip is well over 3 years old.