From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2012-11-05 10:06:14
Attachments : Another good tip! From: Kathy Roberts [] Sent: 05 November 2012 09:13To: undisclosed-recipients:Subject: A Ten Dollar Laser Pointer Will Heal Tissue Faster Than Any Medication… Nov 1, 2012 by APRIL McCARTHY A Ten Dollar Laser Pointer Will Heal Tissue Faster Than Any MedicationA 5mW 635nm key chain laser (above) available at many electronic stores has more than sufficient power to stimulate and initiate healing at the cellular level.A very effective, yet suppressed treatment to alter cellular function is using light-emitting diodes or low-level lasers. This healing modality is available in most electronic stores for less than ten dollars, and it will work better than any medication to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, relax muscles and even heal wounds….In fact, most studies show that LLLT can stimulate healing faster and more effectively than almost any medication either ingested or used topically. The reasons are primarily due to the inability of medications to affect the brain’s Neuroplasticity in the treatment of chronic conditions. One of the most profound physiological effects of low level therapeutic lasers is the effect of Neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity represents the brains ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity provides a way for nerve cells (neurons) in the brain to respond and compensate for injury and disease and adjust neuronal activity in response to a new situation or to changes in the environment…Many studies have validated the incredible success of LLLT in wound healing, joint disorders, thyroid, bone repair and many other conditons… Low Level Therapeutic Lasers (LLLT) can be recognized by the following characteristics: In the product description the wavelength of the light will be in the visible red range, 630nm (for HeNe tube lasers) and 635nm (for semiconductor laser diodes). In the product description the total power output will be less than 5mW per laser. The housing that contains the lasers can be held at a comfortable distance from the wound or tissue being treated. The therapy can be administered through natural fiber cloths so that the patient seldom has to disrobe. Eye protection is not necessary for the patient or the doctor; although directing any LLLT unit at the eyes can be dangerous. The proper treatment will be based on the frequency utilized and the Jules of energy are never mentioned. Photobiomodulation and biological amplification is promoted, the word penetration will never be found. Low power and no heat will be promoted, High power of any kind should not be seen. 635nm energy is visible so you always know if the unit is on and where it is pointed. The laser can have a pulse frequency setting and they will be documented as accurate and with a broad range. SELECTED COMMENTS:Jim Polaski · Northern Illinois University This therapy has been used more than effectively in the equine industry for perhaps 20-30 years! Only in recent years has it found it’s way to humans for both pain, and healing. Also, a hospital in Toronto Canada has used this therapy since the early 90’s for a myriad of conditions and wound management! It’s more than effective and the therapists there would tell you “…it’s like Star Trek” in terms of effectiveness. However they don’t use these wavelengths. This article only touches the surface of the treatment for there is much more that it is capable of and not used in the U.S. due to lack of FDA approval for anything but Pain. The Navy uses the therapy on submarines and it has also been used on the Spack Shuttle.—————————————————————————————————–I GOOGLED… Theralase: Moving at the speed of lightRoger Dumoulin-White, President “We got into LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) in its infancy. The Ontario Centres of Excellence has been instrumental in our rapid growth, by sharing our vision and supporting us with research funding and business expertise. OCE also facilitated other important partnerships, including one with Princess Margaret Hospital.”The context: Low Level laser Therapy (LLLT), once considered nothing more than a light show, is now a proven technology and Toronto-based Theralase is an established leader in the field. The company’s lasers, which are FDA, Health Canada and CE (Conformité Européenne) approved, are used for pain management and wound healing. They can also be used to destroy cancer cells and are undergoing preclinical trials at Princess Margaret Hospital, one of the world’s top cancer research… Lasers Surg Med. 2009 Mar;41(3):227-31. In vivo effects of low level laser therapy on inducible nitric oxide synthase. Moriyama Y, Nguyen J, Akens M, Moriyama EH, Lilge L. Source Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2M9… CONCLUSION: LLLT exhibit different effects in induced inflammatory process according to different wavelengths and wave mode. Upregulation of iNOS gene following 905 nm pulsed wave suggests a different mechanism in activating the inflammatory pathway response when compared to the continuous wave. _________________________________________________________________________Susan PreventDisease-tv · Top Commenter · 107 subscribers Yes, even the small ones can work if they have the appropriate wattage and wavelength. It’s not necessary to spend hundreds on a laser for effectiveness, however there are many companies out there who have built devices and tested them for this very purpose with multiple diodes and cycles. Many are in the $50 range and we would recommend researching these first if you are serious about laser therapy.Bobbi No Enbridge Mitchell I work as a massage therapist for a Chiropractor. The Dr.uses laser therapy and her patients are always happy when she has the time to use her laser on them. It lessens pain and quickens healing.Jay Riio Is there any new data about this therapy?Jim Polaski · Northern Illinois University Yes, google Low Energy Photon Therapy. Look for company like Thor, Quantum, IMI.