From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2014-06-01 16:07:08
Carl has advised me he has now published his work on this – PDF is free! Please share! From: Truth Seeker Sent: 01 June 2014 13:25To: ad.johnsonSubject: Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda – a new book by Carl James “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” by Carl James, is now available to buy from… This is far from just a book about science fiction! At 424 pages (containing over a thousand footnotes and reference sources), “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” is a detailed examination of the varied connections between key science fiction writers, producers, directors and franchises, and the machinations of the global power elite – such as state-sponsored mind control, mass perception management, psyops and false flag events, social engineering agendas, human consciousness, secret society beliefs and rituals, secret technology, and the ET/UFO paradigm. These connections have staggering implications for humanity and raise many important questions about the subversive nature (and possible agenda) of the science fiction genre. Was George Orwell a socialist propaganda agent? Was Aldous Huxley helping to implement a mass social engineering agenda? Was the 1938 War of the Worlds radio broadcast a psychological operation orchestrated by The Rockefeller family and The Tavistock Institute? Why did Ridley Scott agree to direct a promotional film for the social engineering charity Common Purpose? Did George Lucas embed subliminal psychic messages on the raw film of Star Wars? Did Stanley Kubrick help to fake NASAs Apollo missions? Why was Gene Roddenberry working for a group heavily supported by SRI, the U.S. military, NASA and the CIA ? These questions, and many more, are examined in Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda. The book is priced £7.91 / $9.73 (plus post and packaging).This is currently the cost price of the book (how much Lulu are charging to make the book – meaning that I don’t make any profit on sales), although this may be subject to amendment in the coming months. Andrew Johnson has generously uploaded a free pdf version of the book to his website: Click the following link to download this version of the book: www.checktheevidence… I will be making a Kindle version of the book available in the coming weeks. Please feel free to circulate this email (or the details and links included) far and wide! Many thanks for all your continuing support.Carl James – thetruthseekersguide…