From: Hilary Kitching
Date: 2014-06-17 08:48:53
I’m not able to post a comment to their psy-op video presentation on my iPhone for some reason, but I’ve just tried something new and found some interesting results…I typed “was 911 an inside job” into the YT search box and there seems to be a familiar pattern of leading conspiracy theorists labelled under this heading of which I feel are all working for the same entity. Henry Makow recently posted an article about Alex Jones to encourage response about him, but as soon as you ask Makow about Dr Wood’s evidence he shuts you down without even looking at what you say. But yes, it’s ok to waste time discussing the validity of Jones and “oh it’s the Freemasons”. On 16 Jun 2014, at 19:12, “benthejrporter@hotma… [Cognoscence]”