From: realiseyourefree
Date: 2015-03-06 12:05:48
Hi John, interesting and quite possible, but unless I actually see these citations/trials in some verifiable form it’s just another conspiracy theory. Also, I can’t access the link you’ve posted for some reason.Please consider that this information you are referring to could be another distraction from what is really happening in our atmosphere, but at the same time, I will take nothing for… share on Facebook.Imagine being the owner of this planet (hint: Rome, but use the Jews as your buffer zone for protection, so everyone blames them instead) …why spray bio warfare, when there’s a chance your government ministers, corporate kingpins (BP, et al, British Gas & their lackeys and banksters, Freemason lodge bosses(mafia), have a chance of being ill too?Nonetheless, I do not rule out anything until it can be proved other wise, but I am sceptical, but appreciate your interest in what is going on around us. Please continue to do so.Hilary