From: realiseyourefree
Date: 2015-03-14 17:06:00
Flat Earth! Now I wonder if this nonsense theory will cause as much trouble as it did for the early round Earthers (backed-up by empirical evidence). How bad does it have to get for people to ignore what Aristotle and the Geometric calculations of Eratosthenes showed to ignore the empirical evidence the Earth is round. Even our Brian Cox says the Earth is round (2011), but will he be persuaded to redact on that I wonder. Prof.Brian Cox: Why is the Earth Round – Stargazing live BBC TWO Prof.Brian Cox: Why is the Earth Round – Stargazing li… Brian Cox explains why the earth is round. This was part of the 3 day live Stargazing show on BBC Two 8pm. Directed by Beccs Edwards and edited in two days o… View on Preview by Yahoo Love the lip gloss Brian.