From: J D
Date: 2015-03-27 15:11:56
“Jimmy’s account is no story, why would he lie?” (An appeal to Authority and Appeal to Emotion) – By way of example I will give a possible answer to your question. Because he was ashamed of his role in the war and is his way of dealing with events he took part in or a way for him to deal with the horrors of war that he saw? I don’t know Hilary. “I am not talking about Holocaust stuff or Jewish propaganda either I am talking about genuine unscripted, unedited real life accounts by soldiers who were victims of another bloody war.” (Appeal to Emotion) – I cited provable lying Holohoax survivor accounts to show the same “genuine unscripted, unedited real life accounts by Survivors who were victims ” can and do lie but you didn’t seem to see this perspective, I presume because of your emotional ties to Jimmy and his account? I understand and he might/is telling his truth but it doesn’t alter the potential of people’s first hand accounts sometimes being fabricated does it? I would entirely agree that these are the best pieces of evidence we can have, such as the first hand accounts of German officers who hung other German Solders when they were found to have mistreated Jewish labour camp works. Again a first hand recount that was recorded (The Germans were meticulous in their records as they were in their engineering) and I heard listening to Rodney Martin and David Irvine. Two example historians who when directly to the recorded sources or the living people. “The problem of most internet sources is that anyone can write anything and call it facts.” – This is partially true in my opinion (I’d challenge your term ‘most’ as an Appeal to Belief ) unless it can be verified or backup by reliable sources and the affects are seen as a result of claims. “Jimmy has told very few people and would not want me to be telling you even, because he knows what people are like.” – This is again an “Appeal to Emotion” that is bordering on an “Ad Hominem” attack, wherein you cite me through association as one of the people that might not agree with Jimmy. If he didn’t want you to tell anyone then I think you may be should have honoured his wishes? I don’t think we are going to get any further with this subject Hilary and I can’t nor would I try to argue what ‘Jimmy’s’ recollection was of his war directly with him. But, I know what the evidence has shown and why the world is the way it is today and I stand bye everything I’ve said. Everything you discuss or rally against is a direct result of previous war’s and even the Holohoax myth perpetuates a lie that we are all paying for, it shapes every aspect of your life. If you don’t see this then I would suggest you look at the research I’ve mentioned already. You use the word Freedom, well do you have the Freedom to express the lie of the holohoax in this Country or will that come under a hate crime or a resultant Job loss? The same Hate/thought crimes that puts thousands in Jail all over free post war Europe and the rest of the world such as Canada and Australia. If you were in Allied Russia (the ones that Jimmy fought beside) you’d be put to death for saying that 6 million Jews didn’t die. Ask Jimmy what he went over to Germany to fight for, when he was killing other White Europeans? I would suggest that he was entirely ignorant of what he was there for and if he thought he was fighting to defend this noun ‘Freedom’, ask him if he feels he was successful having won the war? I don’t think democracy is a good thing or a bad thing its just another term/noun like ‘Freedom’ but I believe the use you refer to is the stage/regime (as per Plato’s Republic ) coming just before the Tyranny regime? Each of these regimes run into one another and then cycle again is the usage I believe of the term Democracy. I’m not impressed with any references to International Relations (Appeal to Authority) as your educational reference material would have been heavily, if not entirely designed to fit an agenda (mine was), just like all state/corporate education ‘systems’ and mainly to stifle any real thinking unlike what the Trivium teaches. I will obviously expect a response Hilary as should be the way with debate of differences but this is all I have to say on the matter to yourself and will agree to disagree with your views. Kind Regards John To: Cognoscence@yahoogro…: Cognoscence@yahoogro…: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 13:34:59 +0000Subject: Re: [Cognoscence] Re: What has Morris 108 learnt ? Jimmy’s account is no story, why would he lie? He was there. I am not talking about Holocaust stuff or Jewish propaganda either I am talking about genuine unscripted, unedited real life accounts by soldiers who were victims of another bloody war. The problem of most internet sources is that anyone can write anything and call it facts. Jimmy has told very few people and would not want me to be telling you even, because he knows what people are like.Truth has become hearsay and popularity and shiny websites overrule history. This is very sad and it is why we’re in the age of deception. I am not following(nor is Jimmy), any agenda, but don’t believe him, he who has actually been there. This is not some 9/11 psyop material here, this is a real-life war account.This is the problem we’re now facing, there is so much deception that any real truth event gets rubbished and lies become truth…this is seriously Orwellian.Another thing John, the website link you’ve given…do you think democracy is a good thing? Do you know that democracy is the next step to socialism. I should know I’ve studied it…International Relations at St Andrews that is. I know all about ideologies and democracy is the rule by the ‘masses’ over the majority, even if the minority is right they’ll be outnumbered whatever the case. Does that sound like freedom, I don’t think so. Hilary J Kitching MInstRE On 27 March 2015 at 12:21, john_d_devlin@hotmai… [Cognoscence]