From: jon_devlin
Date: 2015-04-27 13:46:32
I see Mr Cox is playing the mainstream scientist/Gatekeeper to a tee. A mocking question is aired and sets the tone of a potential Answer to the jeering sycophantic audience. The scared cow (NASA Moon Landings in this instance) is presented as self-evident and beyond questioning, therefore we start by labeling those daring to ask as a ‘Moron’. Question Mr Cox: How many submitted scientific papers that prove Einstein’s Theory of Relatively is littered with verifiable errors? Answer (From a Moron): Well over 100 Mr Cox, since the nonsense was first published (minus any references in its original German but was to be added later).A little googling on this character shows a more Dark agenda and another more telling promotion of all things Anti-Christian. It’s also interesting to see some of the other ‘Celebrities’ helping in this publication. There is never anything open or straightforward with the agenda of these people. His wife is another dubious character who’s associated with Charlie Brooker and although I’ve not found the source she (and Brian) have been linked correctly or incorrectly to some sort of RA cult (people never organically rise to these positions of media prominence by luck)? What is odd is that neither she nor Brian’s parents have any detail that I can find aside a reference to being from people that worked for a Bank on his side?That is a great site that destroyers the official narrative on so many levels.The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas – Wikipedia, the fr… The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas is a 2009 book written by 42 atheist celebrities, comedians, scientists and writers who give their funny and serious… View on Preview by Yahoo