From: Hilary Jane Kitching
Date: 2015-06-08 12:17:57
You could prove facts over and over again regarding 9/11 using Dr Wood’s book and many will still ignore its importance. I know a woman who was given Dr Wood’s book by a friend a year before I met up with her and when I first visited her and asked her about what she has learnt she was not interested in discussing it. But she still claimed she was really into the truth as a whole. Instead she spend most of the time proving how much she knew about water and how it is affected by emotions(which is true), and I couldn’t get a word in edge ways all night. It was all manner of truth related conversation, but WDTTG? not a jot of interest. And as for church goers…I myself am a God-fearing Christian, but mention anything about 9/11 and Dr Wood’s stuff…not a jot of interest. They say it doesn’t matter. Well, everyone here, even though you may not believe in God have a far greater chance of getting into the Kingdom of Heaven than any of them. Doing right by God is seeking the truth. God bless. Hilary J Kitching MInstRE On 8 June 2015 at 11:46, john_d_devlin@hotmai… [Cognoscence]