This is something of an Ad-hoc video. On 26th June 2018, I visited Rendlesham Forest, but had not specifically planned to make a video. I didn’t even take a tripod, or any external microphones… I just used my Motorola XT1072 phone and Canon SX50 to…
Month: July 2018
Thanks to Heidi for alerting me to this. Aldrin was at the National Book Festival, Washington D.C 5 Sep 2015 This has recently appeared on Facebook suggesting it is a new video from July 2018, but it is from 2015:… <… =v108-3&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=Y4UP6nRMuGs> &atb=v108-3&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=Y4UP6nRMuGs ====================…
I’ve added a new “front end” on to the Dr Judy Wood website – so that it works/looks better on tablets/phones.… The main URL now diverts there, but the old site is still as it was – only the link the front page has…
Thanks to Douglas Gibson who alerted me to this 2017 paper posted on… Lunar Laser Ranging: A Review – by Andreas Märki Master of Science of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 8703 Erlenbach ZH, Switzerland a.m.maerki@bluewin.c… The paper contains quite a few…
Thanks to Matt Waterman in Guernsey, I have been watching the terrible action taken against David Noakes’ firm Immuno Biotech which was treating cancer patients with GCMaf. You can find out more about this here. Matt sent me this link:… but anyway, they tell…
Thanks to Chris – who has done an excellent job compiling this. There is quite a bit of new stuff here. Features Dr Judy Wood, Richard D Hall, Mark Conlon and… yours truly! I have suggested some minor edits/changes, but there is much here of…
As you may know, we have had a warm/hot dry weather in the UK for about a month now. We have had no rain (at least not here in the Midlands where I live). This is very unusual. A chap called Stephen sent me a…
Check The Evidence – 2018 Website Update! Hello everyone… A New Look – and “Shop” A while ago, I decided to update the www.checktheevidence… website, as the Content Management Software on it (Joomla) is over 10 years old. This means that the website did…