Censoring Discussion of 9/11 and Weather Control Evidence

It’s funny how things come together sometimes. Over this weekend, I have been tinkering around (as I occasionally do) with an old bit of hardware – a Nintendo Wii games console – which can now be easily hacked to make it do some “non-gaming things.” Hacking computer game tape loaders was one of my earliest activities in home computing (back in the 1980s), as well as writing a few simple games in BASIC. In looking at hacking the Wii and downloading some files, I came across my own “Disqus” profile.  Curiously, all my comments which have been posted through this Web Service – on a number of different websites – appeared at the right hand side of the screen! (Without me clicking anything).  In reading down through them, 2 patterns were obvious to me…

  1. Most of my online comments were about 9/11 and Climate change
  2. Quite a few of them were either removed or never approved.

Neither of these are surprising to me, but it made me pause for thought when 2 of my interests “came together” on my screen, unexpectedly. I have pasted some of my “Disqus” comments below  (so you can see which were “permitted” and which were “censored”) . Note, as regards “Disqus”, it isn’t that service that censors the comments – it’s the website moderators/owners.


Andrew Johnson



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Discussion on The Daily Wire   99 comments

CRAZY: Play Titled ‘Kill Climate Deniers’ Launches Theatrical Run

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  2 years ago


For those interested, I have written a freely downloadable book about these issues. They are wider than most people want to talk about. I’d grateful to anyone who wants to take a look! tinyurl.com/ccgwbook

Discussion on Collective Evolution  29 comments

2 Year Study Confirms World Trade Centre 7 Brought Down Via Controlled Demolition

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  2 years ago

Unfortunately, this article promotes disinformation – and even uses an obviously doctored image in the headline… wow. Is that a way to find the truth? If you want to know what happened, and how disinformation like that shown above has been advanced, please watch all the videos on this page: tinyurl.com/911wrh . Read a summary tinyurl.com/911summa… and read my free ebook tinyurl.com/911ftb

55 View in discussion

Discussion on Waking Times  6 comments

The First Weaponized Hurricane Caused Widespread Destruction in 1947

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  3 years ago

Indeed and I talk about the later Project Stormfury here:


Lots missing from many websites.

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Discussion on Collective Evolution  1 comments

WikiLeaks: Was Flynn’s Resignation Due To A ‘Destabilization Campaign?’

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  3 years ago

An interesting case – shame he didn’t have a camera too. Edgar Mitchell was not being totally honest and he didn’t walk on the moon, sadly. www.checktheevidence… The UFO/ET field is rife with disinformation – and it even comes from supposedly impeccable sources like Mitchell (and there are plenty of other examples). 9/11, energy and the moon hoax all need thorough investigation if you want to get to the truth.

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Discussion on Health Nut News  8 comments

257 Earthquakes Over Magnitude 5 in 9 Days- What are We not Being Told About this Energy Influx?

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  3 years ago


And I ask are these energy bursts artificial? One thing that Dutchsinse never mentions is what happened on 911. Few people will talk about this. See here for details:


Discussion on Intellihub  14 comments

Secret barometric bomb technologies, nuclear technologies, used to bring WTC towers down: Proof

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago


A comprehensive muddle up – the author wants to confuse and confound and he makes no reference to the evidence which proves no thermonuclear devices were used to destroy the WTC. i.e. little heat, no light and no sounds. Are barometric bombs or nukes silent? www.youtube.com/wat… Pathetic that anyone should be taken in by this nonsense – and also sad that the author should expend so much time deceiving people. See tinyurl.com/911wrh if you want to learn some truths….

Discussion on Breitbart News Network  2110 comments

Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  Mauricio Massa  4 years ago

Dimitri Khalezov is a liar. I wrote about him in my free ebook tinyurl.com/911ftb. Most people on this thread aren’t discussing what actually happened. A summary of that is at the beginning of my book.

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Discussion on Mirror Spectrum  1 comments

Mysterious Black ‘cube’ exiting the sun spotted in NASA satellite image

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago

Whilst I know NASA hides data and edits images (and I have spoken about this), a bit of research seems to show this image is bogus. Searching here: stereo-ssc.nascom.na… for the time shown in this image gave


– there wasn’t an image for time 01:06. The instrument which produces the yellow tinted images (EUVI284) takes them every 2 hours, I think. One of the other instruments (EUVI304) takes them about every 20 mins and the closest to 01:06 is this one


. However, compare that to the image shown above and the pattern of flares/prominences and disk features is different to that image shown in the article (and it’s not sourced either). Comparing the orangey and yellow images for the same time stereo-ssc.nascom.na… shows the disk features of light and dark regions match closely. Hence the image in that article seems to be bogus (and the pattern of light/dark regions does not match the date/time given).

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Discussion on Ste Matthew Murray  38 comments

BDTN Breaking Down The News : Justice For Jill

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago

Fab work Ste. It’s so awful that folks like you have to do the investigation for no money – because the folks that should do it can’t do it and are bought and paid for or get killed. Thanks for putting it together. One comment is that in some places, I didn’t have time to read the text before it disappeared off the screen. Another is that I wasn’t sure, in the final section which pictures went with which caption. I sent this page to Richard D Hall anyway.

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Discussion on Telegraph My  174 comments

Professor Emiritus Hal Lewis Resigns from American Physical Society

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago

It’s actually far, far worse than this letter exposes. tinyurl.com/reinvcc

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Discussion on Activist Post  15 comments

New Sophisticated Humanoid Robot Declares “I Will Destroy Humans”

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago

Plenty of robotic humans around already though – and they’re already willing to do the bidding of some hidden higher authority. Hundreds of examples to be found, once you’ve done the research….

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Discussion on Science  6 comments

‘Fairy circles’ spotted in Australia

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  David Martin  4 years ago

“Go to the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming,” it’s a bit far for me – about 4,000 miles or so! 🙂 Good info though!

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Discussion on We Are Change  6 comments

Dr Judy Wood : Evidence of Breakthrough energy technology on 911

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  tyler West  4 years ago

Yep – look at the evidence, check Dr Wood out (and me too!) 🙂

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Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  davecad  4 years ago

Absolutely Dave – just look at the evidence – either in this video, or in the book. No need to “buy” into anything or think about “niches”.

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Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  Nexusfast123  4 years ago

Hmmm another anonymous noise generator – not pointing out any errors in this presentation. And your name would be? Submitted a court case based on the evidence you have studied did you? Or are you just another distraction or a liar like so many others?

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Discussion on Natural News  34 comments

Former TalkNetwork.com host Rebekah Roth exposed as possible government plant sent to infiltrate truth move…

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  robertsgt40  4 years ago


Acid test for 911 truther – tinyurl.com/911wrh – and an admission that Ae911 truth is another limited hangout. AE911 is government approved – a tax exempt 501 organisation. Did you now know this? tinyurl.com/911liars

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  Emvaz  4 years ago


tinyurl.com/911wrh – or are you out to insult and ridicule and deceive? Your use of “space lasers” in relation to this material indicates your ignorance or dishonesty. The former is normally easier to fix.

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago


What, no links to my article posted in March? www.checktheevidence…

Heck looks like I am the only one in these comments who has the courage to use their real name!! Why would that be?

Discussion on National September 11 Memorial & Musuem  0 comments

Archtober: Program Features Award Winning 9/11 Museum Architects

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago


Does anybody care what happened? Or is this meant to make people feel better about what they think happened? tinyurl.com/911wrh – read it before it disappears, folks!

Discussion on National September 11 Memorial & Musuem  0 comments

Microsoft Supports 9/11 Memorial with Technology Grant

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago


I wonder why no one understands what happened to the towers. Actually, I don’t wonder at all. You won’t have long to read this comment. tinyurl.com/911wrh

Discussion on National September 11 Memorial & Musuem  0 comments

The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago


Does anyone at the museum actually understand what happened to the WTC Towers? tinyurl.com/911wrh – I urge you to listen carefully. You may not have long to read this comment either.

Discussion on National September 11 Memorial & Musuem  1 comments

Replica of ‘Manhattan’ Carpet that Once Adorned WTC Restaurant Now Part of Museum Collection

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson  4 years ago


tinyurl.com/911wrh – assuming you want to know what happened to this carpet.

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