Mass Psychology, More on Likely Reason for Alberta Lifting Restrictions, More Jab Harm, German Tabloid Apology, Sean in China, Nazi’s and COVID Passports?

Prof. Mattias Desmet on mass psychology.

Excellent discussion with the Corona Committee…

Alberta Court Case – More Details from Patrick King

This video is interesting – and could be very significant ultimately.…

Background: truthtellernl.wordpr…

Related Canadian Case:…

Mainstream report of Alberta’s lifting of restrictions:…

UPDATED: Document Links

Letter to Patrick James King (Service)

LAW relied on by the Applicant

Affidavit of Krisztina Grech Sworn July 16 2021

Originating Application

From here:…

The “Vaccine” Harms People – and it Does Not Prevent People Suffering COVID Symptoms…


7/30/21 – As a healthcare executive for a health plan (nurse by training) I received the j & j vaccine on 3/31/21. Within a few hours – severe adverse reactions started and have continued to this day. Through these past four months, I have documented a daily log of symptoms and chief complaints, along with logging intricate details, pictures & videos. I get overwhelmed and disheartened at the fact that the severity of my symptoms are trivialized. I even had a neurologist group cancel my new patient appt after the practice manager read “j & j vaccine” and said I’ve been deleted from their system and they want no part of seeing me. I would like to become a part of this group to be of support and service to others. Please contact me if you’d like to set up a meeting to discuss how I can help on this platform and assist in creating a culture of awareness and unity. Thank you.

Best Regards,

-T.C. – Massachusetts…

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) became one of the latest high-profile figures to get sick with Covid-19, even though he’s fully vaccinated. In a statement Monday, Graham said it feels like he has “the flu,” but is “certain” he would be worse if he hadn’t been vaccinated.

The Big Virus Hoax

A compact and comprehensive criticism of virology.…

German Tabloid BILD Apologises for Lying…

Thanks to David Young for alerting me to this:……

Millions of children in this country, for whom we are all responsible as a society, I would like to say what our Federal Government and our Chancellor have not dare to say so far: We ask your forgiveness. We ask your forgiveness for a year and a half of politics, who sacrificed you.”


Is this just another stunt, or is it something sincere and genuine?…

UK Column  – Doctors For COVID Ethics Symposium…

Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium – Session 1: The False Pandemic

Presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics and hosted by UK Column, the COVID-19 Interdisciplinary Symposium took place on July 29th and 30th.

Session I: The False Pandemic with Prof. Martin Haditsch and his discussion partners: Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer, Ulrike Kämmerer, Denis Rancourt,  Harald Walach, Sam White, Thomas Binder, Charles Hoffe… 

Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium – Session 2: The Going Direct Reset

 Session II: The Going Direct Reset with Catherine Austin Fitts and her guests: John Titus, Richard Werner, Mark Skidmore, Patrick Wood with Taylor Hudak moderating…

 The Awareness Foundation Covid 19 Roundtable

 Posted on – July 30, 2021


Fourteen of the worlds highest-profile doctors, all specialists in their own fields, come together to discuss the dangers that we all face from the Covid 19 pandemic. They discuss in detail the merits and the dangers posed by the vaccines that are being rolled out and pushed onto society.

 Hear their honest opinions and learn about the censorship that they have all faced from speaking out. Discussing together in one place for the first time, learn from the experts and heed their warnings.

 Presented by Katherine Macbean of The Awareness Foundation

 Featuring the following specialist:

 Professor Dolores Cahill

Dr Ryan Cole

Dr Richard Fleming

Dr Dmitry Kats

Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Li-Meng Yan

Dr Robert Malone

Dr Peter McCullough

Dr Joseph Mercola

Dr Lee Merritt

Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Dr Richard Urso

Dr Sam White

Dr Vladimir Zelenko

UK Govt Signs COVID Passport Contract – Before it’s Been Agreed by Parliament – and some History…

Another excellent video by Polly St George…


DOCUMENTARY: The Silence of the Quandts:…

UK Vax passport article:…

BMW Breaks Silence on Nazi Past:…

Billionaires Lives are Harder than You Think:…

Quandt Media Prize List:…

Sean McHugh in China – Political and Covid restrictions in Xinjiang, China- A three week trip including Ningxia and Gansu, July 2021

Sean shows how freedom of travel has been severely curtailed and how restrictions change over periods of hours and days… How appropriate the title image is to this story


Yinchuan, Xixia, Wangling, Zhongwei, Tongxin, Lanzhou, Zhangye, Qi Cai Danxia, Mati Xiang, Jiayuguan, Urumchi, Turpan, Daheyan, Kashgar, Yarkand, Hotan; stayed in tent and at budget, mid-range and upper range hotels including suite, using metro, train, high speed train, coach, bus, taxi, jeep, minibus and hired minibus

Ningxia and Gansu have sections of the Great Wall, ancient cave sculpture, desert tombs, forts and geological formations while I took a tent at nearby Inner Mongolia’s Tengger dune desert. Giant Xinjiang in the northwest retains Silk Road livestock markets along with Russian style winding streets, food, dress, music and clear reasoning, refreshingly exampling Turkic central Asia. It’s mildly restive but weak with immense roasted treeless brown plains and mountains as in Qinghai province and Tibet and there is tentacular and stressful police presence, bogus pandemic restrictions, surveillance phone technology, and reduced foreigner licenced hotels.

China provides economic development in exchange for controlling geopolitics but the psychological and cultural clash makes its presence obviously unjust and foolish. Minority ethnic groups are only seen as Han subsets yet in exporting China’s simplistic fascism and expected sheepish responses, far from its eastern riverine heartland and beyond its Wall, it finds that other peoples can naturally think for themselves with no need for constant looking up to authority. Historical museums are politically recontextualized, temples and mosques subtly denigrated and mocked, and old town areas as providing Uyghur identity torn down for replacement with sickly plastic commercialism and emptiness, complemented by Chinese flags, lanterns and Mao statues.

Background on Xinjiang

Huge Xinjiang in the northwest with its grey brown plains and rugged mountains lies beyond the riverine Chinese heartland and its defining wall and final defensive fort. Population is 26 million people with indigenous Uyghurs at about 50%, down from 75% or more when modern China was established and before Han immigration; Tibet by contrast as only slightly smaller but even more inhospitable terrain is under four million with 90% still ethnic Tibetan. There’s an outlawed East Turkestan independence movement that would make Xinjiang the 17th largest country above Iran while re-education camps have detained several million people. Despite similar ethnicity to the Russian empire states immediately westwards Xianjiang fell to the Qing imperial dynasty in the 19th century.

The central Asian Uyghurs compare pleasantly with their Caucasian neighbours in thought and culture while distributing themselves in groups to chat and relax unlike the Chinese evenly spaced out and uncommunicative; they speak and read little Chinese and even less English and signage is seen in Chinese, Arabic, English and Cyrillic. Politicized museums put up vapid arguments saying Xinjiang was always part of China and every Uyghur exhibit is assigned a Chinese dynasty regardless of how tenuous the control; then there are completely incongruous halls of communist party photos for its hundredth anniversary.

The more restive the area of Xinjiang the greater restrictions and indignities for the fake Covid virus while the terrorist threat per se is exaggerated in justifying the overbearing presence and militarism. Acquiescence to dehumanizing mask wearing outdoors however is almost universal even if social distancing doesn’t seem to exist, most Uyghurs being more bemused than offended by the Chinese.

Sean’s Travel Experiences

During my trip the government renewed its control measures from Covid and again exploited those planning travel in choosing Nanjing, the city I live in, to declare an outbreak from a supposed half dozen infected workers at the airport. This justified for them a partial shutdown of ten million people, tracing all those who had recently passed through the airport, others losing their bookings, and the sheeple hordes across the country prompted into fuss and worry.

Moreover anyone at any time away from home can have a place on their phone health code they passed through a few days prior declared at risk to force them into an expensive quarantine hotel for two weeks with only what baggage may be on them and nothing to do. Everywhere is menace with Byzantine rules supported by high technology while the health code is accessed through the Chinese social networking website, making clear that what you say is connected to your permission to travel and indeed whether you might gain a positive Covid test.

I was better off than people back in Nanjing wanting to leave but I couldn’t exit the train or bus station into a new town even though I’d left Nanjing four days before the situation there was declared and instead had to wait three days until Nanjing disappeared from my list of destinations in the last fourteen days. Arriving at the previous town I’d also elected to slip through the small security station at a chaotic moment without bothering with the check and this emerged as a highly fortuitous decision as I could have been sent back a long way at that point; I’d already had to deal with police on the train requiring a phone call to a Chinese friend to confirm who I was.

I’d tried to enter the town of Turpan but was apprehended, put on train to the Xinjiang capital Urumchi in an isolated compartment with guards outside, then sent with two biohazard suited men in a taxi to a quarantine hotel for detailed interrogation over my modes of transport and then imprisonment, having been told I’d have to stay until the code changed. However due to my date leaving Nanjing and a negative test I was released eight hours later, all being very alarming and unpleasant and organized to make travel not seem worth it; shortly after my trip indeed entry for foreigners into most Xinjiang destinations was suspended altogether.

Nonetheless on the fifteenth day after leaving Nanjing the listing remained the same and it seemed the system was broken so I returned up the train line to Turpan and barked the place down asking the exit police what I was supposed to do. Presently in the main station the code changes at exactly fifteen days and I go back to the police as already ruffled by me for them to make more long phone calls and then discussion with seven badged up twerps who appear, all of which could’ve been avoided if the code had changed correctly. Finally they relent and phone the hostel I’m planning on to give them stupid instructions that I’m on a tour with them for my movements to be monitored, I should tell them whenever I go out, and I have to take virus test on each day I’m there- the hostel owner readily agrees but happily then has the brains to waive it all when I see her.

The stated fourteen days examples developing world lack of articulation or differentiation- the Chinese mind reading fourteen knows it means no such thing as nothing means what it outwardly means with their minds and culture not having the specificity for it. Instead it just means anything, particularly whatever the government as authority says it means- certainly you don’t use objective reasoning in your own independent head to work out what it means. You can shout about it and absolutely no one understands what you’re getting at, only politely listening and blithely consoling; it compares with their substandard use of English that they don’t understand is substandard because no further articulation is assumed beyond the vagueness in the only society and language they know.

Unlike Tibet Xinjiang hasn’t needed permits or approved tour operators to enter before now but the situation has been deteriorating and every last hotel from my guidebook pages from a few years ago that I sought out was either closed or no longer licensed to accept foreigners. Some towns may have only one licensed top end hotel and if a second night is needed a request may need to be made to the Public Security Bureau while they increasingly want booking and payment through the identification phone even if you’re holding cash at the desk. If it’s not a sensitive town a nondescript budget lodging might be found for a Chinese travel companion with you to book a shared room and where you follow with no questions asked but the vast majority won’t entertain the risk. The intention is to keep travellers at most to controlled mass tourist areas.

Near my penultimate town of Yarkand the police stop the bus for fifty minutes because of me to involve armed officers and biohazard suits, checking the usual passport pages and as ever struggling to understand any of it, filling in forms, making phone calls to superiors and getting the rest of the bus miserable. Finally a senior rolls up for more discussion but I’m given his phone to talk to an English speaking authority telling me I can’t enter Yarkand due to its security situation but fortunately can proceed onto my final town of Hotan where I fly out in two days. Three police heavies walk me from the bus to the train station for the next available service, getting to the front of queues; Yarkand had had unrest with mass killings in 2014 but subsided since then.

In the waiting room here multiple Chinese biohazard suits are employed to go round yelling at Uyghurs to wear masks correctly, obviously having nothing to do with any virus and an excuse to instil domination and repression. The locals aren’t mindlessly robotic in following orders as the Chinese and have some natural individuality of thought to make them less herdable and hence being extremely irksome.

Then arriving at Hotan all the train passengers had to past through a building of biohazard suits and bureaucracy for a virus test and taking over an hour. However the test man at least didn’t even touch the end of the swab to my tongue, knowing it’s all theatre and garbage to impose, frighten and threaten as continuous with the regular anti-separatist police presence, and trying to keep a nobody foreigner out of the system best he could.

Following much stress they also give up trying to find my results out of the pile of papers, if they had them, and after yet another bonkers extended passport check outside the building they escort me to a taxi. Again there’s heavy police presence in the town including roadblock checks of the taxi contents, street police requesting a passport check with confirming phone call to immigration, police phoning me to enquire of whereabouts, and formidable fencing around public squares stopping unsanctioned gatherings.

Moreover the famous Karakoram Highway out of China and the town en route it leads to are also closed to foreigners with specious concerns about neighbouring Afghan security but just being more national and international kerbing of personal freedom. They know perfectly well a solo westerner hasn’t smuggled themselves to Pakistan, smuggled themselves over the border, faked all their Chinese and employment documents, hacked the immigration records, faked their travel photos, then took a public bus to some dusty town to start an uprising without even speaking the language.

Booking a flight out of Xinjiang was another major hassle as English versions of booking websites are blocked, I’m not logged into the phone payment system, foreigners aren’t allowed to use public computers either at hotels or the occasional video gaming places as calling themselves internet cafes since activity isn’t as monitorable, and booking offices in towns are long since closed. Eventually I get to the information desk at the airport where they kindly help me across three hours of unfathomable contortions using multiple phones and websites with me eventually paying cash over the counter as even my Chinese bank card wasn’t accepted.

The suits, double masks, gloves, weird behaviour and the rest have great psychological effects as exuding distress, mistrust and presupposing normal people as risky and bad. Moreover taking off from Hotan airport and also arriving back in Wuxi in Jiangsu instructions are given for the window shades to be down and not up and passengers idiotically threatened not to take photos- you’re in a dark tunnel and can’t see, serving deference to the wider guiding system.

On return to Jiangsu officials at the airport and train and metro stations see my phone itinerary as including unusual Xinjiang that they’re unfamiliar with and turn to each other asking if I should be allowed through the turnstile or instead the Covid police called to arrest and imprison me for two weeks. All sick and ludicrous but deliberately terrorizing and attacking the human right to travel; at my university campus accommodation added fascist personnel enforce the showing of phone codes to get both in and out of the gate.

Multiculturalism in the West is to destroy the majority culture but in China to destroy the minority, particularly when it shows characteristics beyond average Chinese capacity and groupthink allegiance to the state such as religion and spiritual metaphysics. Temples in China with deities’ mythology have become an uneasy expression of the culture but the government would be much happier bulldozing every last one and plastering another worthless shopping centre over it while also making every non-governmental institution illegal.

Xinjiang’s holiest Islamic site at its entrance then has a shopping arcade adjacent with a nasty and permanently repeating sales message from a large loudspeaker, it’s given as a scenic spot with a tourist ticket needed to go in, the ticket room has a large screen playing trash pop videos, and at the shrine is a huge Toilets sign directing to one side- I gave it a miss. China quickly turns into hatred once its little system fails to reproduce elsewhere, even if Islam has its own problems and the government rightly banned women’s headscarves as oppressive and against socialist equality. Meanwhile at one of Ningxia’s oldest Buddhist temples at the entrance is set up a tacky children’s games area and a communist party banner displayed over the main shrine.


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