This is a text-searchable version of the Belfort Group’s report on Contrails, Chemtrails and Weather Modification. The original PDF is large, and not currently text-searchable. I therefore made this page, using OCR software (Optical Character Recognition), which is searchable, though there may be some garbled…

From Dave E: Four planes did a U-turn over Blaenau Ffestiniog ( North Wales ) last Tuesday lunchtime (16th March 2010)! Other parts of the sky were plastered with trails during the day. The planes did their u-turns almost above Manod Quarry – heading back East…

By Anonymous Author I have attached three interesting photos… Actually this is a redux of perhaps DOZENS of MASONIC COMPASS chemtrails. This is a Masonic Compass chemtrail that was laid down by three airplanes. I had seen this pattern generated on other occasions over Utah–about a dozen times in…