From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-06-21 22:24:10
For those not on Lloyd Pye’s list!! From: Starchild Project [mailto:contact@starchildpro…] Sent: 21 June 2011 21:46To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: News, news, and more news–good stuff! New Byte Format First, I’m sorry to be slow getting around to doing a new Byte of Pye. It’s been about a month, but a lot has happened in that month. For those who notice it, yes, this is a new format for the Bytes. I hope it looks okay on your computers. Nothing I can do about it now. The changeover has been made and I’m trying to do my best with it. Let me know if you have any problems worth addressing. I Was Poisoned Food poisoning. Very bad luck for me, but it taught a good lesson for all of us. Never, ever eat fish at a chain restaurant on Sunday evening. A restauranteur friend explained it to me. Frozen fish leaves a warehouse on Tuesday or Wednesday for thawing and serving to Catholics on Friday. Saturday is the leftovers from Friday, and so is Sunday. Whatever isn’t sold on Sunday is normally thrown away Monday morning because of the risk factor. I won’t say where, but I ordered grilled catfish that obviously wasn’t grilled well enough. I had a horrible week after that. Beware! New DNA Samples An amazing series of events has produced more highly unusual DNA samples for our geneticist to work on. These are in addition to the Starchild DNA he’s worked on. Someone who chooses anonymity and secrecy for the moment has sent me what might well be a sample of hominoid (bigfoot) DNA. Unfortunately, because of the context in which it was found there is reason to believe this sample will not be viable, but it will be checked thoroughly, just in case. In addition, I’ve been saying in lectures for 14 years that there exists on Earth more skulls worth carefully examining with DNA analysis. These are the so-called “coneheads” from Peru and elsewhere around the world. These skulls have bone that is much thicker than humans, their brains are fully twice the size of human brains, and their jawbones and teeth are different from humans. Thus, I do not think they are fully human, but the only way to prove that is through DNA testing. The Conehead Samples The conehead samples were sent to me by Brien Foerster from Peru. Brien’s website is www.hiddenincatours….. On Youtube you can find films of him actually removing some of the bone samples he sent to me. We are very excited about this because, unlike the hominoid sample, we can be confident these samples will produce results that can be evaluated. Unfortunately, the timeframe for this work is much longer than we would prefer. Our geneticist’s lab is undergoing rennovations to accommodate the “exotic” new work he’s been doing, and now will obviously continue to do. Upgrading their facilities will be a good investment for them in the long run, which is why they’re doing it now. As a result, he can’t start on any new projects until sometime in August, after the rennovations are complete. The Investor Search Our search for an investor has turned into one long bout of frustration. We have the ability to create the “Avatar” of documentary films, the most successful ever in that field, and yet we can’t seem to get anyone to take us seriously. We have this incredible relic at the heart of our project, we have a great director lined up, our distributor is the top in the world for documentaries–everyone “in the know” understands our project has enormous potential. But money people are indifferent to it because, more than anything, it challenges their accepted world view. Another powerful influence at work against us is fear. Maybe you find in your life and work that you and the people around you are afraid of our economic future. Especially so are those who have already lost a lot in the housing bubble collapse (most investor types around here on the Florida panhandle). They don’t want to invest in anything except what they know, and nobody we talk to understands that films are a great investment right now. In every stressful economic period, movies invariably do well. Anyone can look that up. It’s well known. That being the case, I’m starting to think I’m at fault in some way. If I knew how, I’d fix me, but I don’t. I’ve never been a good salesman, even as a young man. Some have it and some don’t, and that skill I don’t have. So maybe that’s it. I’m not saying I intend to quit, or give up, or anything like that, but I’m offering an excuse for what’s taking so long. I think I probably suck at what I’m trying to do. Bottom Line for Today We obviously have some good things going for us, but we’re floundering with the search for an investor. I can’t say we have NO prospects, NO lines in the water, because we do. We have a handful of people who would very much like to be the individual who connects us with an investor because, obviously, that will mean very good things for them. They will become a part of the team, so to speak, and that will have significant value as the process unfolds. Let’s all keep the faith and take heart, as I intend to do, take a few deep breaths to gather ourselves for more effort, and then get out there and make something wonderful happen! Books From Lloyd Pye Starchild eBook: Starchild paperback book: Everything You Know Is Wrong: Mismatch (hi-tech spy thriller): A Darker Shade Of Red (football novel): This message was sent to ad.johnson@ntlworld…. from: Lloyd Pye